Jul 072015

Many Democrats claim that Republicans and Democrats Switched On Racism

By MacPundit

The true history of US Civil Rights is well documented. Beginning in 1854 to the present—a period of 161 years—the Republican Party has been the single, most powerful activist group against racism and for civil rights in America. This is not my opinion, it is historical fact. What is also historical fact is that the Democratic Party opposed virtually all Republican civil rights legislation from 1854 onward. Even worse, their opposition manifested in some of the most vicious, evil, pro-slavery, anti-Black, anti-women, and anti-Native American behavior imaginable.

Yet when confronted with their horrendous civil rights history some Democrats now claim that Republicans and Democrats switched on racism and civil rights—that the Democratic Party shed their 100+ year history of anti-Black, anti-women, pro-White policies and that Republicans decided to completely reject their core pro-civil rights principles to suddenly become racist, anti-women bigots. In other words, regarding civil rights, they say the two parties flipped.

Is this true?

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