May 082012

What did he just say?

Obama Makes Suckers Out Of FollowersI am forever puzzled at those who rigidly defend Mr. Obama even when confronted with irrefutable evidence of his inconsistencies and dishonesty. The Barack Obama videos below present evidence in his own words – words that are at times so blatantly contradictory that one finds it difficult to stifle a “What did he just say?” It isn’t personal, it is simply what it is.

On “Obama Care” and transparency.

Mr. Obama promised transparency about the debate and legislative process for “Obama Care.” But despite what he so loudly and repeatedly promised, it all happened behind closed doors. Moreover, it was one of the most disgraceful and corrupt examples of political bullying in U.S. history. While the majority of Americans opposed the bill (they still do) President Obama and the Democrats who controlled both houses of Congress jammed it down our throats.

Did you notice the little clip of President John F. Kennedy? It was from his Inaugural Speech. He said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country.” He was a Democrat too but he would not recognize the Obama Democratic Party because it has been taken over by radical left-wing liberals led by Barack Obama. Their message is very clear: “Ask what your government can give to you.” Do not be fooled, it is how they buy your votes. President Kennedy knew what made America great. President Obama either doesn’t know, doesn’t care, or he knows exactly what he is doing and wants to transform America into a European-style Socialist country. Whatever the reason, his policies are literally destroying our nation; they are making us weak and vulnerable. They are doing what our enemies were not able to do in 236 years.

Not only did he and Congressional Democrats do their work behind closed doors, President Obama did not put the bills online or anywhere else for 5 days before he signed them. It was all empty rhetoric, or as most of us average folks would say—they were all a bunch of lies.

He said he would cut the deficit in half in his first term

More broken promises and lies …

He lies about his oil policies …

His Health Care lies …

“Evolving” (flip flopping) on gay marriage …

  • 1996: He was for gay marriage. (Democrats call that fully evolved)
  • 1998: He was undecided. (Oops, he’s devolving)
  • 2004: He was opposed to gay marriage. (Uh oh, he is fully devolved)
  • 2008: He was still opposed to it. (Whoa, still fully devolved)
  • 2012: He is now for it again. (Wow, fully evolved again)
  • Stay tuned …

More dishonesty ….

May 082012

Obama may hold the record for presidential dishonesty!

Pinocchio Obama

By MacPundit

ANOTHER UPDATE: (Add this one to the one below.) On November 11, 2013 I devoted an entire post to President Obama's most publicly noticed lie. It is of course his declaration that "If you like your healthcare plan you can keep it." He repeated it at least forty times. It is his most publicly noticed lie because, contrary to what he said, over 5 million Americans have thus far lost the healthcare plans they liked and wanted to keep.

UPDATE: When this article was originally posted in May, 2012, there was enough information available to classify President Obama as the most dishonest president in U.S. history. Since then, however, his dishonesty has become so rampant that many who might have been reluctant to speak out, now are. Even worse for the president, many are now convinced that he is a pathological liar. In fact this website alone now has an entire category within which are many articles that document Mr. Obama's deceit. You can see a list at the end of this article.

Politicians and journalists don't like to use the "lie" word. Instead, they use words like "misspoke" or "disingenuous" or "inaccurate" in order to avoid calling someone a liar. And that is appropriate and fair sometimes because we can't always be sure if someone is being intentionally dishonest. But sometimes people do lie, intentionally. We all know this is true. So when the President of the United States tells well-documented falsehoods and persistently repeats them, it would be foolish and naive to think he is simply making honest mistakes time after time, speech after speech. After all, the president has a huge staff who are constantly fact checking for him. So I'm calling it like I see it.

President Obama is a very convincing speaker but he begs the question: Is Obama the most dishonest president in history? The shocking truth is that he tells lies in virtually every speech he makes.  It is hard to keep up with his lies because he adds new ones almost daily! Of course that may be part of his strategy—to overwhelm us with them so we don't have time to keep up. This is not a Republican or Democrat problem; it is a very serious problem for all Americans.

Below are 65 well documented lies. Even worse, he continues to repeat many of them as though he thinks no one is listening. The first 13 can be found in Barack Obama's best-selling book, Dreams From My Father. Some of the others go back to the Obama – McCain 2008 election campaign. He's been lying for a very long time.


  1. He claimed his white grandfather Dunham, who was a communist sympathizer, signed up for duty "the day after Pearl Harbor." Well, he did at least sign up—six months later.
  2. He has repeatedly claimed the same grandfather "fought in Patton's army." But his grandfather was a clerk and never saw combat.
  3. He claimed his father "fought when he got back to Kenya against tribalism and nepotism, but ultimately was blackballed from the government." In fact his father fought against capitalism and lost his job when he advocated for communism.
  4. He has said many times that his late mother's health insurer refused "to pay for her treatment" for cancer while citing a "pre-existing condition." But the health insurer, Cigna, actually paid all her hospital bills and never denied payment.
  5. He claimed that he and a black high school friend named "Ray" were ostracized in Honolulu. But the friend, Keith Kakugawa, was half-Japanese, and they did not experience discrimination.
  6. He claimed the father of his Indonesian stepfather was killed by Dutch soldiers while fighting for Indonesian independence, when in fact the story turns out to be "a concocted myth in almost all respects," Washington Post editor and biographer David Maraniss reported.
  7. He claimed his parents decided to marry during the excitement of the Selma civil-rights march of 1965, which gave him "a claim on Selma." The problem is, his parents were married several years before the Selma march. (See The Obama Fairy Tale)
  8. He claimed his father was able to study in the U.S. because of President Kennedy's efforts to bring "young Africans over to America." The truth: The Kenyan airlift that brought his father here was in 1959 when Eisenhower was president.
  9. He actually submitted a phony biography to his book publicist, which claimed that he was "born in Kenya." (Of course later when some people questioned if he was born in the U.S., he came up with a birth certificate from Hawaii. So which is it? Either way, he lied.
  10. He denied that he was ever a member of the socialist New Party. But a roster of members of the Chicago chapter clearly lists him as having joined on Jan. 11, 1996.
  11. He claimed that Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn were merely casual acquaintances. In fact they were neighbors and they held a fundraiser for him in their living room to help launch his political career. Later, they hosted a barbecue for then Senator Obama in their backyard. He also served on a board of directors with Bill Ayers and worked with him on various projects. (See Obama Lied About Bill Ayers)
  12. After having attended the church of Rev. Jeremiah Wright for 20 years, Obama claimed he never heard the Reverend spew anti-American invectives during that entire time. But apparently he forgot he said he was moved to tears hearing Wright in a sermon condemn "white folks" and the U.S. for bombing other countries. In fact, he named his second book after that very same sermon.
  13. He claimed he got into a "big fight" with a white girlfriend named Genevieve Cook. He said after they had seen a black play together, she asked "why black people were so angry all the time." When interviewed and asked about it, she said she never saw the play or made the remark.
  14. "Under the Romney/Ryan budget, interest rates on federal student loans would be allowed to double." – FALSE!
  15. If the Supreme Court throws out the federal health care law, it "would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress." – FALSE!
  16. "For the first time since 1990, American manufacturers are creating new jobs." – FALSE!
  17. "Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, and Newt Gingrich all say they would cut foreign aid to Israel — and every other country — to zero." – FALSE!
  18. "What I have done — and this is unprecedented … is I've said to each agency … 'look at regulations that are already on the books and if they don't make sense, let's get rid of them.'" – FALSE!
  19. "If you actually took the number of Muslims [sic] Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world." – FALSE!
  20. "Preventive care … saves money, for families, for businesses, for government, for everybody." – FALSE!
  21. "Thirty million Americans, including a lot of people in Florida, are going to be able to get healthcare next year because of that law." – FALSE!
  22. "I made a bunch of these promises during the campaign. … We've got about 60 percent done in three years." – FALSE! (See Obama's Broken Promises)
  23. Under President Barack Obama, the United States has "doubled our exports." – FALSE!
  24. The president’s proposed budget "will help reduce the deficit by $400 billion over the next decade to the lowest level since Dwight Eisenhower was president." – FALSE! (See Obama Economic Record)
  25. Under the White House’s budget proposal, "we will not be adding more to the national debt" by the middle of the decade. – FALSE!
  26. Twelve judges have thrown out legal challenges to the health care law because they rejected "the notion that the health care law was unconstitutional." – FALSE!
  27. "I didn't raise taxes once." – FALSE!
  28. When President Franklin D. Roosevelt started Social Security, "it only affected widows and orphans," and when Medicare began, "it was a small program." – FALSE!
  29. The Bush administration had been "giving (auto companies) billions of dollars and just asking nothing in return." – FALSE!
  30. "The vast majority of the money I got was from small donors all across the country.'' –FALSE!
  31. "We've excluded lobbyists from policymaking jobs." – FALSE!
  32. When Obama was interviewed by American reporters in Asia, "Not one of them asked me about Asia. Not one of them asked me about the economy." – FALSE!
  33. Insurers delayed an Illinois man's treatment, "and he died because of it." – FALSE!
  34. Health reform will "give every American the same opportunity" to buy health insurance the way members of Congress do. – FALSE!
  35. Preventive care "saves money." – FALSE!
  36. “No earmarks in spending bill” – FALSE!
  37. "If we went back to the obesity rates that existed back in the 1980s, the Medicare system over several years could save as much as a trillion dollars." – FALSE!
  38. "I have not said that I was a single-payer supporter." – FALSE!
  39. Stimulus tax cuts "began showing up in paychecks of 4.8 million Indiana households about three months ago." – FALSE!
  40. Health insurance companies are "making record profits, right now." – FALSE!
  41. "There is no disagreement that we need action by our government, a recovery plan that will help to jump-start the economy." – FALSE!He lied about John McCain …
  42. "Senator McCain would pay for part of his (health care) plan by making drastic cuts in Medicare — $882-billion worth." – FALSE!
  43. "The centerpiece of Senator McCain's education policy is to increase the voucher program in D.C. by 2,000 slots." – FALSE!
  44. Under John McCain's health care plan, people get a $5,000 tax credit to buy a $12,000 health care policy, and "that's a loss for you." – FALSE!
  45. Obama ad wrong about McCain abortion charge: John McCain accused "of letting infants die." – FALSE!
  46. "Oil companies …currently have 68-million acres that they're not using." – FALSE!
  47. Obama ad distorted McCain's stem cell position: McCain "has opposed stem cell research." – FALSE!
  48. "But if my opponent had his way, the millions of Floridians who rely on it would've had their Social Security tied up in the stock market this week." – FALSE!
  49. "The fact is that although we have had a president who is opposed to abortion over the last eight years, abortions have not gone down.'' – FALSE!
  50. Oil companies "haven't touched" 68 million acres where they already have rights to drill. – FALSE!
  51. Fully inflating tires is "a step that every expert says would absolutely reduce our oil consumption by 3 to 4 percent." – FALSE!
  52. John McCain refuses to support a new bipartisan energy bill "because it would take away tax breaks from oil companies like Exxon Mobil." – FALSE!
  53. The U.S. government spends less on energy innovation "than the pet food industry invests in its own products." – FALSE!
  54. "Our National Guard, as we saw in the Midwest flooding, can't function as effectively as it could. I was talking to National Guard representatives. Fifteen of their 17 helicopters in this region were overseas during the flooding." – FALSE!
  55. "I think we came down here (to Florida) one time … but we weren't actively fundraising here." – FALSE!
  56. "I have never said that I don't wear flag pins or refuse to wear flag pins." – FALSE!
  57. "He's promising four more years of an administration that will push for the privatization of Social Security…" – FALSE!
  58. "We are bogged down in a war that John McCain now suggests might go on for another 100 years." – FALSE! And he lied about Hillary Clinton …
  59. "Hillary Clinton believed NAFTA was a 'boon' to our economy." – FALSE!
  60. "As has been noted by many observers, including Bill Clinton's former secretary of labor, my plan does more than anybody to reduce costs." – FALSE!
  61. "She (Hillary Clinton) said, you know, 'I voted for it, but I hoped it wouldn't pass.' That was a quote on live TV." – FALSE!
  62. "I know that Hillary on occasion has said — just last year said this (NAFTA) was a boon to the economy." – FALSE!
  63. "If we went back to the obesity rates that existed in 1980, that would save the Medicare system a trillion dollars." – FALSE!
  64. "Right now, an employer has more of a chance of getting hit by lightning than be prosecuted for hiring an undocumented worker. That has to change." – FALSE!
  65. If African-Americans vote their percentage of the population in 2008, "Mississippi is suddenly a Democratic state." – FALSE!

As noted earlier, it is hard to keep up with President Obama's lies because he adds new ones almost daily! Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, I am sure you agree that this is not only shameful, it is a reflection on our nation. Our president doesn't limit himself to occasional little white lies, he tells some real whoppers! Must we spend our valuable time fact checking our own president? Yet if we don't, how can we know when he is telling us the truth? What does this teach our children?

Right now as this is being written our president is telling the world that the Republicans are waging a war against women, young people, the middle class, and others. Yet every single one of those charges are false – not just a little false – but absolutely FALSE!. He knows it and everyone who is paying attention knows it, yet he keeps right on saying them.

So how does he get away with it? First, the media are not telling us the truth about President Obama. Most of them are Democrats and they protect him. They put their political party above the truth, which means they put their self interests before the welfare of our country – before our welfare.

Sadly, this only scratches the surface. By any normal and fair standard it is not an exaggeration to say that  President Obama's presidency has been a national disaster. Our national debt, which if not dealt with quickly will inevitably destroy us. Yet, President Obama is not dealing with it. In fact, he is making it worse, much worse, and we are running out of time. Check back here for another article on that.

But for now, please consider carefully what you have read here. If you have any doubts about its accuracy, you are urged to do your own research. It is not that difficult. It is amazing how quickly one can find honest information through Google. Just be sure that you choose unbiased sources. However if you agree with what you read here, for the good of our country and for your own good, forward this to everyone you can. Our nation is in deep trouble and our future depends on each and everyone of us.

Aug 072011

By MacPundit

He may have set a new record!

Broken PromisesIn Texas there is a saying that goes like this: “He’s all hat and no cattle.” Texans use it to describe someone who may look good, sound good, and impress people who don’t know any better, but the person is not exactly who he wants you to think he is. President Obama is “All hat and no cattle.” He impresses people who don’t know any better. So here’s a wake up call for those people. The next time you hear him tell you that he is going to do this or that wonderful thing, think again because his record of keeping his promises is as bad as it gets in politics—and that is really bad.

Take a look at this list of 83 Obama broken promises from PolitiFact. They are all well documented. After more than 4 years, Barack Obama has kept less than half of his promises.

The following are rated as “Broken Promises” by as of April 17, 2013. You can see full explanations at

  1. Eliminate all oil and gas tax loopholes – BROKEN
  2. Require publicly traded financial partnerships to pay the corporate income tax – BROKEN
  3. Close loopholes in the corporate tax deductibility of CEO pay – BROKEN
  4. No family making less than $250,000 will see “any form of tax increase.” – BROKEN
  5. Close the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center – BROKEN
  6. Negotiate health care reform in public sessions televised on C-SPAN – BROKEN
  7. Allow five days of public comment before signing bills – BROKEN
  8. Introduce a comprehensive immigration bill in the first year – BROKEN
  9. Centralize ethics and lobbying information for voters – BROKEN
  10. Tougher rules against revolving door for lobbyists and former officials – BROKEN
  11. Re-establish the National Aeronautics and Space Council – BROKEN
  12. Support human mission to moon by 2020 – BROKEN
  13. Provide an annual report on “state of our energy future” – BROKEN
  14. Recognize the Armenian genocide – BROKEN
  15. Increase the capital gains and dividends taxes for higher-income taxpayers – BROKEN
  16. Expand the child and dependent care credit – BROKEN
  17. Create a foreclosure prevention fund for homeowners – BROKEN
  18. End income tax for seniors making less than $50,000 – BROKEN
  19. End no-bid contracts above $25,000 – BROKEN
  20. Repeal the Bush tax cuts for higher incomes – BROKEN
  21. Phase out exemptions and deductions for higher earners – BROKEN
  22. Sign the Employee Free Choice Act, making it easier for workers to unionize – BROKEN
  23. Forbid companies in bankruptcy from giving executives bonuses – BROKEN
  24. Allow workers to claim more in unpaid wages and benefits in bankruptcy court – BROKEN
  25. Allow imported prescription drugs – BROKEN
  26. Mandate insurance coverage of autism treatment – BROKEN
  27. Direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct a comprehensive study of federal cancer initiatives – BROKEN
  28. Create a National Commission on People with Disabilities, Employment, and Social Security – BROKEN
  29. Change federal rules so small businesses owned by people with disabilities can get preferential treatment for federal contracts. – BROKEN
  30. Form international group to help Iraq refugees – BROKEN
  31. Reinstate special envoy for the America – BROKEN
  32. Double the Peace Corps – BROKEN
  33. Double funding for after school programs – BROKEN
  34. Urge states to treat same-sex couples with full equality in their family and adoption laws – BROKEN
  35. Allow bankruptcy judges to modify terms of a home mortgage – BROKEN
  36. Restore Superfund program so that polluters pay for clean-ups – BROKEN
  37. Pay for the national service plan without increasing the deficit – BROKEN
  38. Limit term of director of national intelligence – BROKEN
  39. Give annual “State of the World” address – BROKEN
  40. Reduce earmarks to 1994 levels – BROKEN
  41. Enact windfall profits tax for oil companies – BROKEN
  42. Create cap and trade system with interim goals to reduce global warming – BROKEN
  43. Require plug-in fleet at the White House – BROKEN
  44. Allow penalty-free hardship withdrawals from retirement accounts in 2008 and 2009 – BROKEN
  45. Create a public option health plan for a new National Health Insurance Exchange – BROKEN
  46. Provide option for a pre-filled-out tax formBROKEN
  47. Create a mortgage interest tax credit for non-itemizersBROKEN
  48. Require automatic enrollment in 401(k) plansBROKEN
  49. Require automatic enrollment in IRA plansBROKEN
  50. Create a retirement savings tax credit for low incomesBROKEN
  51. Create a $60 billion bank to fund roads and bridgesBROKEN
  52. Lift the payroll tax cap on earnings above $250,000BROKEN
  53. Prevent drug companies from blocking generic drugsBROKEN
  54. Allow Medicare to negotiate for cheaper drug pricesBROKEN
  55. Appoint federal-level coordinator to oversee all federal autism effortsBROKEN
  56. Double federal funding for cancer researchBROKEN
  57. Provide the CDC $50 million in new funding to determine the most effective approaches for cancer patient careBROKEN
  58. Fully fund the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)BROKEN
  59. Reduce the threshhold for the Family and Medical Leave Act from companies with 50employees to companies with 25 employeesBROKEN
  60. Provide a $1.5 billion fund to help states launch programs for paid family and medical leaveBROKEN
  61. Require employers to provide seven paid sick days per yearBROKEN
  62. Expand the Family Medical Leave Act to include leave for domestic violence or sexual assaultBROKEN
  63. Work with Russia to move nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alertBROKEN
  64. Develop an alternative to President Bush’s Military Commissions Act on handling detaineesBROKEN
  65. Secure ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)BROKEN
  66. Seek to negotiate a political agreement on CyprusBROKEN
  67. Seek independent watchdog agency to investigate congressional ethics violationsBROKEN
  68. Create a public “Contracts and Influence” databaseBROKEN
  69. Expose Special Interest Tax Breaks to Public ScrutinyBROKEN
  70. Expand the Employment Non-Discrimination Act to include sexual orientation and gender identityBROKEN
  71. Sign the Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act into lawBROKEN
  72. Increase the minimum wage to $9.50 an hourBROKEN
  73. Support tax deduction for artistsBROKEN
  74. Reduce the number of middle managers in the federal workforceBROKEN
  75. Strengthen the Age Discrimination in Employment ActBROKEN
  76. Work to ban the permanent replacement of striking workersBROKEN
  77. Use revenue from cap and trade to support clean energy and environmental restorationBROKEN
  78. Require more flex-fuel cars for the federal governmentBROKEN
  79. Mandate flexible fuel vehicles by 2012BROKEN
  80. Double federal program to help “reverse” commuters who go from city to suburbsBROKEN
  81. Require energy conservation in use of transportation dollarsBROKEN
  82. Sign the Freedom of Choice ActBROKEN
  83. Give the White House’s Privacy and Civil Liberties Board subpoena powerBROKEN

Whew! That’s a lot of broken promises! It just might be a record. I don’t know, it’s probably a close race between Obama and Jimmy Carter. No matter, it’s depressing. Just don’t let President Obama tell you that it’s all the Republican’s fault because they block everything he tries to do. The Democrats controlled both houses of Congress for the first two years of his presidency. They could have done virtually anything he wanted them to do. No excuses, Mr. President, you’re a big “promiser” but you’re a lousy deliverer.

So how does he get away with it? First, because his followers want to believe him so much that they don’t bother to check up on him to see if he keeps his promises. Second, because the so-called mainstream media don’t tell you the truth. Here’s another thing to remember: Barack Obama depends on your ignorance. Don’t think so? Then why does he continue to make empty promises? Even worse, there is hardly a day that goes by that he doesn’t say things that are outright lies. I know, you may think I dislike him or his policies or that I am some kind of a right wing nut. Well, you would be wrong—except for not liking his policies. But even if you were right, it would not change the facts. He does have a horrible record of broken promises and he does lie—a lot. Many of his lies are well documented elsewhere on this site and many are videos so you can hear him lie in his own words.

Listen, I am not happy about reporting such negative things about my president. But if we really want an honest government we need to accept the truth about our leaders, especially our president. So like it or not, I call them like I see them. And just for the record, how many broken promises does it take before you stop believing someone? Two? Four? How about 83? Would that do it?

Mar 062009

Let’s review them

Barack Obama and the Democrats repeatedly use the phrase “The Bush failed economic policies.” Yet the facts reveal their dishonesty. Here is a brief review.

President Bush’s Economic Policies Resulted In Creation Of 8.31 Million Jobs Beginning August 2003 In The Longest Continuous Months Of Job Growth On Record

November 2, 2007, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released new jobs figures. From August 2003, 8.31 million jobs were created, with 1.68 million jobs created over the 12 months that ended in October. The economy added jobs for 50 straight months – the longest period of uninterrupted job growth on record. The unemployment rate remained at a low 4.7 percent.

The U.S. Economy Remained Strong, Flexible, And Dynamic

  • Real GDP grew at a strong 3.9 percent in the third quarter of 2007. The economy experienced six years of uninterrupted growth, averaging 2.8 percent a year from 2001.
  • Real after-tax per capita personal income rose by 12.7 percent – an average of over $3,800 per person – from when President Bush took office.
  • Real wages rose 1.2 percent over the 12 months that ended in September. This rise was faster than the average rate during the 1990s.
  • From the first quarter of 2001, productivity growth averaged 2.6 percent per year. This growth is well above average productivity growth in the 1990s, 1980s, and 1970s.
  • The deficit was at 1.2 percent of GDP, well below the 40-year average. Economic growth contributed to a 6.7 percent rise in tax receipts in FY 2007, following an increase of 11.8 percent in FY 2006.

So Obama and the Democrats continue to lie about the Bush economic policies. It is just one more important story that the Obama Media do not want you to hear.