If You Like Your Healthcare Plan You Can Keep It. Period.

President Obama said, “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it. Period.”

By MacPundit

He said it at least forty times with various rhetorical iterations:If you like your healthcare plan you can keep it.

“If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it. Period.”

“If you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan. Guaranteed. Period.”

“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period. End of story.”

“If you like your hospital, you can keep your hospital. Period.”

Notice that he even added the word “guaranteed” occasionally, as if he was worried that we would not believe him when he simply said “period.” In fact, sometimes he actually used “period,” “guaranteed,” and “end of story” all in the same sentence. When people began to lose their healthcare plans—the ones they liked—he was asked why that was happening because he had promised they would not lose their plans. He said he should have been more clear. More clear? What could be more clear than, “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it. Period.”

Millions of healthcare plans already canceled and still counting …

Conservative estimates from credible non-partisan organizations are that private healthcare cancellations could total 15 million or about 5 percent of the population. But, apparently, that is just the beginning because some predict that cancellations may well reach as high as 129 million after the business mandate kicks in.

It’s only about 5 percent of the population. That’s what President Obama and the hardcore Obama apologists keep telling us. In other words, why is everyone so concerned that we misled a mere 15 million Americans?

If you I like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.

“But,” the spin-masters say, “the plans they had were sub-par, garbage plans and Obamacare will replace them with much better plans.” First, let’s not forget the promise that if you like your plan you can keep it. — Period. Guaranteed. End of story. Just where exactly is there even a hint of a caveat or condition to the very clear promises that the President of the United States of America made to we the people? When did our president say that you can keep your plan if it meets Obamacare standards? Of course the answer is that he never said any such thing. Period. End of story. In fact, now he is essentially saying, “If I like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.”

The insurance companies canceled the plans, not us.

Incredibly, the Obama White House spin machine, Democrats in Congress, and some of the left-wing media quickly added that tortured lie to the Big Lie. Really? The insurance companies are the culprits? Have you people no shame?

Let’s be clear: The lie is not always in the words alone, but it is always in the intent. It is true that the insurance companies canceled the healthcare policies, but they did so because they had no choice. If the healthcare plans do not meet the new requirements in the Obamacare regulations, the policies can no longer be offered. So any attempt to place blame on the insurance companies is blatantly dishonest.

Higher monthly premiums and deductibles

As shocking as it was for those who have been notified that their healthcare plans will be canceled as of January 1, 2014, the worst was yet to come. They soon realized that the plans offered by Obamacare are much more costly than their canceled plans. Many Obamacare plans increase monthly premiums by as much as 800 percent and some people have reported that their deductibles have gone from $3500 up to as much as $12,500 — increases they simply cannot afford. Not surprisingly, they have reacted with anger and fear — anger at President Obama for deceiving them and fear for their future.

Coverage I don’t need and don’t want

A common complaint is that the plans offered by Obamacare to replace the plans people have and like are loaded with coverage they do not need or want. For example, a thirty year old unmarried man is offered a plan with maternity care, pediatric care, and other coverage for which he has no need. The same unnecessary and unwelcome coverage is in Obamacare plans for older couples who are beyond their child-bearing years. Our governments reaction? – Take it or leave it.

Presidential fraud!

If anyone in the business sector had made the kind of false promises that President Obama made, they would have most certainly been charged with fraud. It is now well documented that the Obama White House knew years ago that upon the implementation of Obamacare, millions of Americans would lose their healthcare plans. Did Mr. Obama, himself, know this? That question is yet to be answered, but we must suspend all credulity and rational thought to believe that he did not.

President Obama is a dishonest man

President Obama’s intimacy with deception is well-documented on this website. He is a habitually dishonest man. This is not opinion, it is fact. So yours truly was not in the least surprised to learn that his repeated declarations that “If you like your healthcare plan you can keep it. Period.” were all false. Still, I was left with a troubling question: Why has it taken so long for so many to realize that our president is a very dishonest man?

See: Obama’s Dishonesty

We Cannot Believe President Obama!

By MacPundit

The Face of Deceit

The Face of Deceit

The audacity of mendacity

It’s not hyperbole. It’s not Internet trash talk. It’s simple, old-fashioned fact: We cannot believe President Obama. This is a given for those of us who have paid attention for the past 5 years. Your fearless seeker of truth, your devoted blogger—yours truly—has been reporting on Mr. Obama’s astonishingly persistent record of mendacious behavior for what seems like an eternity. It seems that long because until now at least half of the country has had little to no interest in the notion that their president is a remarkably dishonest man. Some even describe him as a remarkably accomplished liar, which of course is to say the same thing but with a refreshingly common voice. Fearless honesty comes to mind.

Maybe, just maybe, things are beginning to change. Maybe Mr. Obama’s deceit is becoming ever-so-slightly visible to some of the media hacks who until now have been functionally blind to it. It is a big maybe, though. You see, Mr. Obama has a super human ability to get away with things that most of us mere mortals (with a conscience) would not want any part of. If Bill Clinton is “Slick Willy” and John Gotti was “The Teflon Don”, what’s left for Mr. Obama? Slick Willy headed the list of the most dishonest presidents until Barack Obama showed up and took the lead running away. Obama is the absolutely unchallenged champ. It’s a blowout. So what do we call him? “Barry The Dodge?”


If you are among the half of the country who are still unaware of our president’s history of deceit, you will find ample factual evidence of it on this website. Meanwhile, his most recent and, perhaps, his most ill-deployed attempt to mislead and manage the American people is about his and his administration’s handling of “Sequestration” and what it has revealed about him and his political machine.

Mr. Obama’s first most flagrant public lie about Sequestration occurred in the third debate of the 2012 Presidential Campaign. Let’s watch:

The Washington Post (not overly friendly to Republicans) gave our fearless leader 4 Pinocchios on that one. Why? Because a) The Obama White House did propose it—not Congress as the President claimed. And b) It did happen, contrary to what the President predicted.

4 Pinocchios


Now I must confess to an active sense of skepticism about almost anything Barack Obama says. How could I not? There is nothing equivocal about the facts. Barack Obama has a very long history of deceptive behavior. But if you have any doubts, spend some time here to get informed. You do want to be informed. Right?

Obama Broken Promises

By MacPundit

He may have set a new record!

Broken PromisesIn Texas there is a saying that goes like this: “He’s all hat and no cattle.” Texans use it to describe someone who may look good, sound good, and impress people who don’t know any better, but the person is not exactly who he wants you to think he is. President Obama is “All hat and no cattle.” He impresses people who don’t know any better. So here’s a wake up call for those people. The next time you hear him tell you that he is going to do this or that wonderful thing, think again because his record of keeping his promises is as bad as it gets in politics—and that is really bad.

Take a look at this list of 83 Obama broken promises from PolitiFact. They are all well documented. After more than 4 years, Barack Obama has kept less than half of his promises.

The following are rated as “Broken Promises” by PolitiFact.com as of April 17, 2013. You can see full explanations at PolitiFact.com.

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  83. BROKEN

Whew! That’s a lot of broken promises! It just might be a record. I don’t know, it’s probably a close race between Obama and Jimmy Carter. No matter, it’s depressing. Just don’t let President Obama tell you that it’s all the Republican’s fault because they block everything he tries to do. The Democrats controlled both houses of Congress for the first two years of his presidency. They could have done virtually anything he wanted them to do. No excuses, Mr. President, you’re a big “promiser” but you’re a lousy deliverer.

So how does he get away with it? First, because his followers want to believe him so much that they don’t bother to check up on him to see if he keeps his promises. Second, because the so-called mainstream media don’t tell you the truth. Here’s another thing to remember: Barack Obama depends on your ignorance. Don’t think so? Then why does he continue to make empty promises? Even worse, there is hardly a day that goes by that he doesn’t say things that are outright lies. I know, you may think I dislike him or his policies or that I am some kind of a right wing nut. Well, you would be wrong—except for not liking his policies. But even if you were right, it would not change the facts. He does have a horrible record of broken promises and he does lie—a lot. Many of his lies are well documented elsewhere on this site and many are videos so you can hear him lie in his own words.

Listen, I am not happy about reporting such negative things about my president. But if we really want an honest government we need to accept the truth about our leaders, especially our president. So like it or not, I call them like I see them. And just for the record, how many broken promises does it take before you stop believing someone? Two? Four? How about 83? Would that do it?