Say goodbye Hillary. PLEASE!
Is it fair to call them phony Democrats? Well, yes, because once again, Democrats have proven themselves to be as phony as a nine dollar bill. For months they warned us that if Trump lost, Trump supporters would riot in the streets. Well guess what? Hillary lost and Hillary supporters are rioting in the streets! And it doesn’t stop there; public schools run by liberal Democrats are allowing students to leave their classrooms to protest the election of Donald Trump. Among other things, students have blocked traffic preventing hard-working Americans from going to and from their places of work. Both groups are acting like nasty, spoiled, petulant children. If anyone is surprised by this behavior, they haven’t been paying attention for, let’s see, about twenty years. It’s SOP for the left. Hence, they are phony Democrats.
But wait, there’s more: Hillary’s people have joined Jill Stein’s pursuit of a recount in three states. Yet it was Hillary and her left wing cohorts in the media that chastised Donald Trump for not definitively stating that he would accept the election results no matter what they were. And when Donald Trump brought up the issue of voter fraud during the campaign, Hillary Clinton and others on the left loudly and repeatedly insisted that there is no such thing as voter fraud in America. Yet now they say they are requesting a recount in order to maintain the integrity of our voting process by making certain that there has been no tampering with the votes. Wow! Really? Again, phony Democrats.
Are they embarrassed? Have they no shame? Of course not. Why should they? In their minds they are always right no matter what they do or say. Their profound sense of superiority is so absolute that any opposing views are, to them, not only heretical, they are pathetically stupid. They maintain this attitude even after one of the most far-reaching political defeats in U.S. history. Not only did Democrats lose the presidency while Republicans maintained control of both houses of Congress, Republicans now control almost 2/3 of state governorships and state legislatures. Not since 1929 have Democrats experienced such a weak power deficit! How did this happen? Why did the voters reject them so overwhelmingly? Is it possible they have finally discovered that they are phony Democrats?
President-elect Trump will soon be our 45th president and I hope he keeps his promise to drain the swamp in Washington. Where to start? How about anything he can find with the Clinton name on it.
By MacPundit