Oct 092012

By MacPundit

Big Bird Tells The Truth

Big Bird Tells The TruthIf you watched the debate you will certainly remember Romney’s Big Bird remarks. While explaining how he would reduce unnecessary government spending, he said he would no longer help fund the Public Broadcasting System. He said he likes Big Bird but would cut all spending that was not important enough to borrow money from China to pay for it. He also pointed out that Sesame Street and Big Bird were doing just fine on their own and would continue to do so without taxpayer money. In other words, he made a logical, common sense, grownup proposition.

But the Democrats and the media spun it big time!

Ignoring all the obviously sensible solutions, which Romney clearly enumerated, President Obama, his political machine, and many in the media could not resist their instinctive use of disingenuous, populist demagoguery. The very next day Obama and his minions wasted no time in trying to distract the public from Obama’s pathetic performance. They tried to rename the Presidential Debate to the Big Bird Debate. Among other things, they told their adoring, ignorant followers how cruel Romney was to even consider depriving our children of Big Bird. So I thought it might be fun and instructive to see what it would look like when Big Bird tells the truth.

The liars also accused Romney of lying!

After Governor Romney gave President Obama a lesson in the finer points of serious debating, the President and his propaganda machine wasted no time in telling the world that Romney won because he lied a lot. The problem is, the accusation itself was a lie! But I’ll discuss that in another article. For now, I will merely point out that Barack Obama continues to be perhaps the most dishonest president in U.S. history. Take a look at: Is Obama The Most Dishonest President In History?.

Oct 022012

The Con Artist Barack Obama

The Great American Con Job!

Also starring Jon Stewart, CNN,
Fox News, C-SPAN, and more.

You should have no further questions
about Barack Obama after watching these videos!



If these Obama Tell All Videos didn’t clear up any lingering questions you may have had, frankly, I hope you do our country a great service by not voting this year. Whether you can bring yourself to accept it or not, Barack Obama is a very dishonest man—probably the most dishonest president in U.S. history—and it is naive to think that our friends and enemies around the world don’t know this as well.

We not only deserve better, we have always had better. It is not about Democrat or Republican, it is about the survival of our nation.

Sep 292012

By MacPundit

“Slick Willy” Clinton Has Obama’s Back

You lie and I’ll swear to it.

Clinton DNC SpeechThe Bill Clinton DNC speech was exactly what one would expect from Slick Willy. Until the election of Barack Obama, Slick Willy Clinton was perhaps the most dishonest president in U.S. History. But with less than four years in office, Obama has managed to make Clinton look like Honest Abe. Okay, not quite. The point is, Obama holds the title but I wouldn’t trust either one of them with a bowl of my favorite cereal. So who does Obama hire to tell the world that his failed presidency is an illusion, that he is really a great president and deserves to be reelected? – Slick Willy Clinton of course—biggest liar number two! These guys are serial liars. And yes, I would say the same thing if it were true of a Republican. I’ve said it many times, I call them like I see them.

Here’s the deal. At best, Obama’s radical Liberal policies have resulted in the worst and longest “recovery” from a recession since the Great Depression. That is not only a fact, it is being kind. So there was Obama, in deep trouble with the smart voters who actually know his record, the Democratic National Convention was around the corner, and he was desperately searching for a master political illusionist other than himself. He needed someone who could make the audience see success while they looked straight in the face of failure. He needed someone with no conscience who practiced the dark art of deceit as skillfully as he did. It was easy. So easy, I’d bet, that he had the answer before he had a chance to ask the question.

He gave Slick Willy a call and said something like, “Hey Bill, I know I lied a little about you and your wife Hillary during the ’08 campaign, but hey man, politics is a … well you know. Anyway, party comes first. Right? Oh, and I’m sorry I called you a racist, but you of all people know that winning is what it’s all about. Anything else is for the suckers. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Come on man, you’re King Truth Warper! Well, that is until I came along. Anyway, as you might have noticed, I kinda messed up the country a little bit and if that Romney guy gets elected he’ll fix everything and that won’t be good for either one of us. He’ll get elected to a second term and there goes Hillary’s shot at 2016. So what do you say? I’ll give you top billing at the convention. You know how our people are, they believe anything we say. In fact they believe it before we say it. They love you, man. Just go out there and tell everyone how smart I am and how important it is to give me some more time. It’s not for me, it’s for the party and Hillary.”

So Slick Willy did what Slick Willy does best. He stood up there in front of his loyal cult and tried to con the world into believing that Barack Obama was actually a pretty good president. Other than lying about Monica Lewinsky, it must have been his toughest con yet.

But just for the heck of it, let’s peek behind the curtain.

Slick Willy said: “… since 1961, for 52 years now, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats, 24. In those 52 years, our private economy has produced 66 million private sector jobs. So what’s the job score? Republicans, 24 million; Democrats, 42 (million). (Cheers, applause.)

The inconvenient truth: Over half of the total jobs created under Democrats were from Clinton’s own Presidency. They were produced during an internet dotcom boom that later collapsed. He also failed to mention that Republicans controlled Congress during 6 out of 8 years of his Presidency and that it was the Republicans under the leadership of Newt Gingrich that basically forced Clinton into balancing the budgets and other policies that led to job creation.

Slick Willy said: “It turns out that advancing equal opportunity and economic empowerment is both morally right and good economics, because discrimination, poverty and ignorance restrict growth, while investments in education, infrastructure and scientific and technological research increase it, creating more good jobs and new wealth for all of us.”

The inconvenient truth: When Democrats use the word “investment” they are really talking about spending. They just don’t want to tell you what they are actually doing. Even so, the balanced budgets Clinton signed cut the very “investments” he was talking about. Another thing he didn’t mention was that he and the Republicans held spending down to about 18% of GDP, but under Obama it is now over 24% of GDP. That is a huge difference and a real problem for all of us.

Slick Willy said: “One of the main reasons we ought to re-elect President Obama is that he is still committed to constructive cooperation.”

The inconvenient truth: WOW! I’m impressed! Even Slick Willy should have had a problem getting that one out. Maybe someone who had been on the planet for about five minutes could believe it, but certainly no one else. Any number of non-partisan studies have shown that Barack Obama is one of our most divisive presidents, ever. Not that anyone would need a study to know that. It’s his way or the highway. Every one of Obama’s major legislative initiatives passed on party lines. And even though he says he always sought Republican input, when he got it, he rejected it. Obamacare was shoved down our throats in one of the most politically corrupt displays of bullying in our history. Cooperation? Anything but. At one point he actually said this, “[Republicans] can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

Slick Willy said: “… the Senate Republican leader said in a remarkable moment of candor two full years before the election, their number one priority was not to put America back to work; it was to put the president out of work.”

The inconvenient truth: This is a classic lie-by-re-writing. He changed the meaning, which was that in order to get Americans back to work, we need to put President Obama out of work. But it gets worse: Obama himself had put many issues ahead of job creation. He spent his first two years jamming Obamacare through Congress while he should have been working to help Americans get back to work.

Slick Willy Said: “[Republicans] want to the same old policies that got us in trouble in the first place.”

The inconvenient Truth: Like Obama and the Democrats, Clinton just made that one up. They keep saying it because they know it sounds good and that most Americans don’t know the truth. But it is factually untrue. That is why they never back up the statement with examples. Romney’s plan, which is on his website, lists policies that have worked time and again. They worked for Kennedy and Reagan and they would work again now. It is the Liberal Obama policies—the very same ones that are in place right now—that never worked before and are not working now.

Slick Willy said: “They want to cut taxes for high-income Americans, even more than President Bush did.”

The inconvenient truth: First, Romney wants to get rid of many tax loopholes across the board, including those of high-income Americans and he wants to simplify the tax code and lower taxes on everyone.

Second, Democrats have been lying about the Bush tax cuts for years. Allow me to set the record straight: The Bush tax cuts helped virtually all Americans. In fact, to show how dishonest Clinton, Obama, and the Democrats are, think of this: When Bush was president they accused him of giving tax cuts to the wealthy only. They called them “The Bush Tax Cuts For The Wealthy.” They said they did not help the middle-class at all. But now that Obama is president and the Bush tax cuts will expire at the end of the year, Obama says he wants to get rid of the Bush tax cuts for upper-income people and keep the Bush tax cuts for the middle-class. Really? I thought there were no Bush tax cuts for the middle-class. How can you keep something you said was not there? But hey, they lie so often, you can’t really expect them to remember them all.

Slick Willy said: “They want to get rid of those pesky financial regulations designed to prevent another crash and prohibit future bailouts.”

The inconvenient truth: I challenge Clinton or Obama to point to any regulations that Romney wants to get rid of that would “… prevent another crash and prohibit future bailouts.” Again, Clinton and the others simply make things up that they know will sound good to Americans who don’t have the time to check on everything they say. Furthermore, it was a lack of regulations at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that triggered our financial crisis, and it was the Republicans that tried to get new regulations put in place to prevent a financial crisis. And it was the Democrats that blocked any new regulations. (See Bush Failed Economic Policies and Obama Blames Bush For Our Financial Crisis)

Slick Willy said: “When President Barack Obama took office, the economy was in free fall. It had just shrunk 9 full percent of GDP. We were losing 750,000 jobs a month. Are we doing better than that today? The answer is yes.”

The inconvenient truth: It would be real nice if Slick Willy had experienced some kind of spiritual epiphany by now, but one can only dream of such things. Here again, he spins the numbers to make them look like something other than what they are. He compares the worst part of the recession to today and asks if we are better off instead of asking how the Obama “recovery” compares to other recoveries. In other words, if we ask if we are doing better now than we were doing when Obama took office, the answer is a resounding NO.

Since January 2009 when Obama took over, unemployment is up, annual household income is down by more than $4000, the price of gas at the pump has more than doubled, food, clothing, etc. are more costly and still rising, the housing market it still in shambles, and Obama has added a frightening $5.4 trillion to the national debt. It is a fact that Obama’s so-called recovery is the worst recovery from a recession 83 years!

(I need a full-time fact-checker to keep up with Slick Willy and the Liar In Chief.)

Slick Willy said: “The president’s energy strategy, which he calls ‘all of the above,’ is helping too. The boom in oil and gas production, combined with greater energy efficiency, has driven oil imports to a near-20- year low and natural gas production to an all-time high. And renewable energy production has doubled.”

The inconvenient truth: Actually, Obama does not even have an “all of the above” energy strategy. It doesn’t exist! Slick Willy did the same sleight-of-hand trick that Obama does so often. (They’re both so darn good at it.)

Here’s how their trick works: First, they tell you there is a “ boom in oil and gas production” so now you have in your mind this wonderful vision of oil and gas flowing out of pipes all over the country. Then they imply that Obama has caused the industry to create new efficiencies, which with all the new oil and gas, have “… driven oil imports to a near-20- year low and natural gas production to an all-time high.” Finally, they tell us that “… renewable energy production has doubled.”

Here’s the problem: While oil production has increased, the increase is far from a “boom.” And then there is this: The increase in production is on private land where Obama can’t stop it. They don’t mention that, nor do they mention that we could actually have a real boom but for the fact that Obama and his regulatory bullies have restricted production on public lands. In other words, the increase in oil and gas production that Obama and Slick Willy brag about is happening in spite of Obama, not because of him. As though that is not bad enough, Obama will not approve the construction of the Keystone Pipeline from Canada, which would increase the flow of friendly foreign oil, decrease our dependency on unfriendly foreign oil, and create tens of thousands of new jobs in the U.S. Finally, Obama by his own admission is literally destroying the U.S. coal industry.

Oh, and about the “… renewable energy production has doubled.” thing? It’s kind of doubled from miniscule to twice miniscule. It not only remains a very small part of our energy production, the Obama renewable energy program is riddled with cronyism and corruption and countless millions of taxpayer dollars have been squandered on failed projects that put a lot of money in the pockets of Obama supporters. That is how your president redistributes your money. Think Solyndra.

Slick Willy said: “Even more important, after a decade in which exploding college costs have increased the dropout rate so much that the percentage of our young people with four-year college degrees has gone down so much that we have dropped to 16th in the world in the percentage of young people with college degrees.

So the president’s student loan is more important than ever. Here’s what it does — (cheers, applause) — here’s what it does. You need to tell every voter where you live about this. It lowers the cost of federal student loans. And even more important, it give students the right to repay those loans as a clear, fixed, low percentage of their income for up to 20 years. (Cheers, applause.)

Now what does this mean? What does this mean? Think of it. It means no one will ever have to drop out of college again for fear they can’t repay their debt.”

The inconvenient truth: So first he implies that student loans are hard to get even though they may actually be too easy to get. They are so readily available that many studies claim that this contributes to the sky-rocketing cost of tuition. They say that the Obama policies make it too easy for students to take out ever more and bigger loans, which in turn encourages schools to raise their tuition. The result is that students end up with more debt and less relative value from their degrees. It’s a vicious cycle and one more example of unintended consequences from vote-getting, specious liberal policies.

A Moody’s analysis warned:

[u]nless students limit their debt burdens, choose fields of study that are in demand, and successfully complete their degrees on time, they will find themselves in worse financial positions and unable to earn the projected income that justified taking out their loans in the first place.”

So do you think for a minute that Obama or for that matter, Slick Willy, really care about what happens to these students later? I do not think so. It’s all about power—getting the votes and winning an election. They are demagogues.

That’s enough. I’ll just wrap it up with one last big Slick Willy lie.

Out of all the incredibly dishonest claims made by Slick Willy at the Democratic National Convention, the one that seems to have stuck in the minds of the American people more than all the others was this: “No president could have “magically” fixed the economy in one term”. When I heard those words flow out Slick Willy’s lying mouth, I thought “Oh boy, that’s going to mean a lot to people who don’t know any better.”

So if some of you who thought that might convince you to stick with Obama for another four years, listen to what I have to tell you. Not only could someone else fix the economy in four years, someone did. As Slick Willy would say, “Now listen to me.” Ronald Reagan faced a deep recession left over from Jimmy Carter. It was the worst recession since the Great Depression of the thirties. In many ways it was worse than Obama’s. I remember it very clearly. Interest rates were sky high, people were literally fighting at gas stations because there was a shortage of gasoline, and—thanks to the policies of Jimmy Carter, which are eerily being mirrored by Obama—overall all, the economy was a monumental mess and Carter had lost control of the problems in the Middle East. Sound familiar?

But the policies Reagan implemented were very different than Obama’s—and so were the results. Reagan claimed that fifty years of misguided liberal policies had over burdened the free market with taxes and regulations and that, along with government over spending, it had drained the free market of its natural vitality. (Exactly what Romney is saying now.) Reagan’s plan: Get “the government off the backs of the American people” by cutting taxes, slashing spending, and cutting back on counter productive regulations. Again, does this sound familiar? It should because that is where we are now.

Did Reagan’s plan work?

Real per capita GDP increased by nearly 23% and the stock market more than tripled in value. The Reagan recovery created almost 25 million net new jobs, or about 344,900 jobs per month. His policies ushered in the the longest peacetime period of unbroken economic expansion ever seen in American history. Remember, Mitt Romney is proposing the same kinds of Reagan policies. You know, the ones that work. On the other hand, President Obama is asking us to let him try his policies for another four years. You know, the ones that haven’t worked for him or anyone else who has tried them. So the choice should be obvious to anyone who is paying attention.

Really, this is not complicated

You don’t hire a college professor to fix your plumbing and you don’t hire a neighborhood organizer who has literally never managed or run anything to govern a nation—especially the most powerful and influential nation in the world. You don’t believe the words of the two most dishonest presidents in U.S. history. You just don’t.

Finally, you don’t hang on to ideas about someone that are factually untrue. Barack Obama’s record as president—as compared to all our other presidents—is at the very least one of the worst and is probably the worst. He may also be the most dishonest president in our history. To think otherwise is delusional because all of what I just said is well documented. It’s not personal. It’s not about race or anything other than what is real and true. I have fought against bigotry throughout my entire life. I despise it. So when I write these things I write them with a clear mind and heart. This is about the survival and future of our country.

We are being asked to give up what has made us great.

This is very serious because this is one of the most important elections in history. We are being asked to choose between our traditional form of government and economic system—the one that has made us the most powerful, successful country in world history for a much different big government, nanny-state system, which has been tried without success many times before. Personally, I cannot think of one single sane reason to do that.

More than ever before, we need to be mature and wise when we go into the polling booth to choose who will lead us for the next four years. If you are not taking this seriously or you are not well informed, do yourself and your country a favor and please don’t vote. You see, a dumb vote cancels out a smart vote and we need all the smart votes we can get right now.

Sep 252012

By MacPundit

It is like we are two nations—One is informed, the other ignorant

Obama leads ignorant AmericansYour country, our country—the great United States of America—is in deep trouble. We are tottering on the brink of economic collapse while almost thirty Middle Eastern countries are literally on fire—fueled by a deep hatred for America. Yet because there are far too many ignorant Americans among us, almost half of us act like everything is fine. Well, there is nothing fine about the current state of affairs in America. If you don’t know how serious things are, you owe it to all of us to read this article.

An ignorant vote cancels out an informed vote. So please do your country a great service: If you are too lazy or too disinterested to become informed, please do not vote in this election.

But if you really do care about the future of our country, watch this video before you continue. It was made by John Zogby, a highly respected non-partisan pollster, just after Barack Obama was elected in 2008. Pay close attention and replay it if you think you missed something important.

Let’s review what we just saw and heard.

Remember, this was a typical sampling of the much larger Zogby study.

  • They all said that Republicans controlled Congress and they were all wrong. The Democrats controlled Congress.
  • Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker of the Democratically controlled House of Representatives. She was second in line to become president. They did not know who she was.
  • Barney Frank was a powerful Congressman who with other Democrats blocked Republican efforts to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two agencies some believe were responsible for the housing market collapse, which led to our financial crisis. They did not know who he was.
  • Harry Reid was and still is the Majority Leader of the Democratically controlled Senate. He too helped to block reform at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They did not know who he was.
  • They did know who Sarah Palin was. But because of politically biased media coverage and efforts by her Democrat opponents to belittle her, they knew only meaningless, superficial things about her. You can be sure they did not know anything important like the fact that she was the most highly rated governor in America at the time. (At one point Alaskans gave her a 90 percent approval rating.) Later in the interview, they all thought she said she could see Russia from her house, which she never said. She actually said you can see Russia from land in Alaska, which is true.
  • When asked which candidate claimed to have campaigned in 57 states, they all named someone except Barack Obama, the one who actually said it. In fact, he said he had already campaigned in 57 states and still had one to go. (You do know that we have only 50 states, right?)
  • When asked which candidate won their first election by getting all their opponents kicked off the ballot, once again, they named Palin or McCain but not Obama, the one who actually did it.
  • When asked which candidate said their own policies would bankrupt the coal industry and send energy prices sky high, they either claimed to not know or named someone other than Obama, who was the one who said it.

Do you see the problem? We have become an ignorant nation—exactly what our founders worried most about. They predicted that if America failed, it would do so by committing suicide. They had given all the power to the people—to us—and they knew that slick politicians would steal it from us unless we were well informed. Only ignorant people can be manipulated.

Consider these words from our 3rd and 35th presidents

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free it expects what never was and never will be.
Thomas Jefferson

The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.
John F. Kennedy

But there is another problem

Even if you want to be informed, you will need to know exactly where to get accurate, honest information. You see, much of our media—where we get our information—is corrupt. They do not give us all the facts. With few exceptions, most of them are liberal Democrats even though 80 percent of Americans are not. It was not always this way. Years ago, it didn’t matter if a news reporter was a Democrat or Republican. They had an ethical code and most of them lived by it. So even if the news was not good for their candidate, they reported it accurately. As a result, our ancestors were actually better informed than we are now. But today, about half of Americans are either uninformed or misinformed. That is why the people in the video were unable to correctly answer even the most basic questions.

In 2008 we really did not know who we were electing

By all fair standards, Barack Obama was the most unqualified presidential candidate ever. We knew less about him than any presidential candidate in history. The truth is, we still don’t know much about him. That is because he and his political machine have worked very hard to keep important information from us, and our corrupt media don’t ask them for it. For example, Barack Obama still refuses to release his school records from high school, Occidental College, Columbia University, and Harvard. Yet, again, the media never asks him about it, even though they pushed hard to get the same records from candidates in the past. (See Obama School Records)

But this time it is different. Now President Obama has a record for us to consider

Now that he has been our president for almost four years we can look at his record and decide whether it is good or bad. But, because we cannot trust the media to inform us honestly, many of you don’t know his real record. In fact, you have been told so many conflicting things that you probably don’t know what to believe anymore. So let’s look at the facts—the real facts—the truth.

He is absolutely responsible for his own record

No matter what he or the media tell you, after almost four years, President Obama is responsible  for his record as president. Regardless of what he inherited—much of which was his and his fellow Democrat’s fault—he is responsible for his own record as president. That is how we do it in America. It is his economy and his foreign policy. So let’s take a look.

  • Our National Debt – How much money we have borrowed and now owe to others
    • When Obama took office it was was $10.626 trillion.
    • It is now (September 24, 2012) $16.053 trillion.
    • Our debt has grown by $5.427 trillion in less than four years under Obama. He has added more debt than any president in our history. In fact, he has added more debt than all presidents from George Washington to George H.W. Bush combined.
    • Candidate Obama called President George W. Bush unpatriotic for adding $4 trillion in eight years. But he, Obama, added $4 trillion in two and a half years—less than 1/3 of the time!
    • The National Debt now exceeds 100 percent of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product, the total value of goods and services. This means that if we used everything we produced in our entire nation in a year to pay off our debt, it would not be enough.
    • The federal budget sent to Congress by Mr. Obama, projects the National Debt will continue to rise as far as the eye can see. The budget shows the Debt hitting $17.5 trillion in 2013 and $25.9 trillion in 2022.
    • As our share of the National Debt, every man, woman, and child now owes about $51,000.
    • For the first time in our history, we are leaving our children and grandchildren a burden of debt that will make their lives far more difficult than ours are.
    • This debt problem is deadly serious and if it is not dealt with, it could cause a worldwide financial collapse like the world has never seen. And not only have the Obama policies not slowed the increasing debt problem, the budget he submitted would increase our debt dramatically in the coming years.
  • Unemployment – After 42 months, it remains over 8 percent
    • It is the longest period of unemployment over 8 percent since the Great Depression.
    • According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, just over 58 percent of the adult population does not have any kind of job at all (full or part time), the lowest figure in 30 years.
    • Obama predicted that his huge Stimulus Bill, which cost the taxpayers almost $1 trillion, would keep unemployment under 8 percent and that it would be about 6 percent by now. It has not been below 8 percent since he took office.
    • Not only has it not gotten better, last month’s job report showed that for every new job created, four people dropped out of the job market because after searching long and hard, they could not find work and they simply gave up.
    • Only 64 percent of adult men have a job of any kind, the lowest figure ever.
    • If we add the workers who can find only part-time work, or the discouraged dropouts who are no longer counted in the statistics, the real national jobless rate is about 15 percent.
    • Millions of Americans who have been out of work for a long time have been forced to use up their savings and are concerned that they won’t be able to cover basic living expenses in retirement.
  • Poverty – Under President Obama it is at record levels.
    • 15 percent of our population—more than 46 million Americans are now living in poverty.
    • The poverty rate for children remains more than 20 percent for the third year in a row. More than one-third of black children and Hispanic children live in poverty.
    • The Department of Agriculture reported that Food Stamp usage is at an all-time high. 47 million Americans—about 1 in 5 adults—now depend on Food Stamps to feed themselves and their families. Under Obama policies, 15 million Americans have been added to the Food Stamp program. That is an alarming 49 percent increase since he took office.
  • The Middle-Class – It is disappearing.
    • While President Obama continues to tell us he is for the middle-class, since he took office the average American annual household income has dropped by $4,000.
The numbers don’t lie. President Obama’s policies are not working and in some key areas have made things worse. Consider this: The Obama “recovery” is the longest and worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression. To be sure, there really is a point of no return and we are headed right for it. In other words, we are running out of time.
  • Foreign Affairs – National Security
  • Women’s Issues
    • Income Inequality – It is hurting women. While President Obama tells women they should vote for him, under his policies income inequality—as measured by the Gini index—has reached a new record high.
    • Women in the workplace – While he tells women he is on their side, that he respects them, we get a completely different picture from women who work in the Obama White House. (See The Obama War On Women)
  • A Divisive President
    • In 2008 candidate Obama told us that he would unite the country. However, those who knew his record were skeptical because he had the most Liberal voting record in the Senate. In fact, he voted 97% of the time with Democrats only.
    • As president, while he said he wanted to work with Republicans he has used every opportunity to criticize them and dishonestly accuse them of being uncooperative. Now, he creates false class warfare issues, which further divides our country. For example, “The Republican War On Women.” “The rich against the poor,” and others that in reality do not exist. The result? Instead of uniting us, he has divided us.

The list is long yet it would take another page or two to adequately review the horrendous state of our economy, overall. I didn’t even mention the price of gas at the pump, which is around $4.00 per gallon. It was $1.83 when President Obama took office, so it has more than doubled. Food, clothing, housing—virtually everything we buy is far more expensive. As a result, the quality of our lives has been measurably diminished and millions of our fellow Americans continue to suffer.

If you are still reading, you deserve to be congratulated—even praised. It means you care about our country and that is what this is all about. But I have left at least one important question unanswered:

Where can we get accurate information about the candidates and the issues?

Well, if you do not have the time to search out and verify every important piece of information—as I did for this article—I suggest you do the next best thing, which is to get your news from the most highly rated news channel on cable television. According to studies done by various independent research organizations, that would be Fox News Channel. Of course if you believe what the left-wing propaganda puts out, your blood pressure may spike at the mere mention of Fox. But if you are really sincere about wanting to be well informed, I suggest you rethink what you have heard and tune in to Fox for at least one entire week.

Here’s why

There are good reasons that Fox gets a much larger share of the cable viewing audience than the others. Their news reporting really is fair and balanced. Notice I said “news reporting.” That’s important because we have to distinguish between news reporting and commentary. For example, one of Fox’s popular programs is Hannity, which is conservative commentary. The host, Sean Hannity, is a registered Conservative and he let’s his audience know that. He does not pretend to be a news reporter or journalist. But for honest, straight news you can’t do any better than Bret Bair or Sheppard Smith. Bret is on from 6 to 7 every weekday evening and Sheppard from 7 to 8. I recommend them highly.

On the other hand, the same independent research organizations have found news outlets like ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN to be, well, rather biased to the left. Of all of them, MSNBC is the most biased—so much so that it is hard to tell at times whether they are a news network or a commercial for the Obama campaign. Enough said.