Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan

This man received the lifetime achievement award from Obama’s church.

Praise for Barack Obama

Louis Farrakhan said the war in Iraq, the nation’s faltering economy and the increased number of natural disasters were signs of “a nation in peril.” He said those problems provide the broader context for Obama’s rise.

In response to Farrakhan’s remarks, the Obama campaign promptly released a response distancing himself from the Muslim minister:

“Senator Obama has been clear in his objections to Minister Farrakhan’s past pronouncements and has not solicited the minister’s support,” said Obama spokesman Bill Burton.  Obama himself rejected Farrakhan’s support in an NBC debate.

Farrakhan subsequently denied his comments constituted an endorsement saying, he would not tell any one of his followers how to cast their vote, but that they should vote “their own self-interest.”

Other controversial quotes by Farrakhan

“The same year they set up the IRS, they set up the FBI. And the same year they set up the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith… It could be a coincidence… [I want] to see black intellectuals free… I want to see them not controlled by members of the Jewish community.”

“Dewey, Kant and Hegel, and the rabbis that wrote the Talmud, make blacks inferior.”

Farrakhan has referred to Jews, Palestinian Arabs, Koreans, and Vietnamese collectively as “bloodsuckers” and maintains that “Murder and lying comes easy for white people.”

“Cokely spoke the truth” and [Jews protested] “because the truth hurts. I know this man Cokely. I know if he said it, he got the stuff to back it up.” – Chicago Sun Times, May 10, 1988, concerning statements by Chicago Black activist and former municipal official Steve Cokely asserting that Jews engaged in an international conspiracy to take over the world, and that Jewish doctors deliberately injected black children with the AIDS virus..”

Louis Farrakhan, identifies Barack Obama as “The Messiah.”

“You are the instruments that God is gonna use to bring about universal change. And that is why Barack has captured the youth . And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t care anything about. That’s a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear. And the Messiah is absolutely speaking.”

Here is the video:

(Originally published October 20th, 2008)

Tony Rezko

Tony Rezko

Ties to Barack Obama

In 1990, after Obama was elected president of the Harvard Law Review, Rezmar Corp. offered him a job, which Obama turned down. Obama did end up taking a job with law firm Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, which primarily worked civil rights cases, but also represented Rezmar and helped the company get more than $43 million in government funding and whose former senior partner, Allison S. Davis, later went into business with Rezko and, in 2003, was appointed to Illinois State Board of Investment by Governor Blagojevich at Rezko’s request. On July 31, 1995 the first ever political contributions to Obama were $300 from a lawyer, a $5,000 loan from a car dealer, and $2,000 from two food companies owned by Rezko. Starting in 2003, Rezko was one of the people on Obama’s U.S. Senate campaign finance committee, which raised more than $14 million. Rezko threw an early fundraiser for Obama, and that fundraiser was instrumental in providing Obama with seed money for his U.S. Senate race.

Also, in 2005 Obama purchased a new home in the Kenwood District of Chicago for $1.65 million ($300,000 below the original price) on the same day that Rezko’s wife, Rita Rezko, purchased the adjoining empty lot from the same sellers for the full asking price. Obama acknowledged bringing his interest in the property to Rezko’s attention, but denied any coordination of offers.

After it had been reported in 2006 that Rezko was under federal investigation for influence-peddling, Obama purchased a 10 foot wide strip of Ms. Rezko’s property for $104,500, $60,000 above the assessed value. According to Chicago Sun-Times columnist, Mark Brown, “Rezko definitely did Obama a favor by selling him the 10-foot strip of land, making his own parcel less attractive for development.” Obama acknowledges that the exchange may have created the appearance of impropriety, and stated “I consider this a mistake on my part and I regret it.”

On December 28, 2006, Ms. Rezko sold the property to a company owned by her husband’s former business attorney. That sale of $575,000, combined with the earlier $104,500 sale to the Obamas, amounted to a net profit of $54,500 over her original purchase, less $14,000 for a fence along the property line and other expenses. In October 2007, the new owners put the still vacant land up for sale again, this time for $1.5 million.

In June 2007, the Sun-Times published a story about letters Obama had written in 1997 to city and state officials in support of a low-income senior citizen development project headed by Rezko and partner Allison Davis. The project received more than $14 million in taxpayer funds, including $885,000 in development fees for Rezko and Davis.

In the South Carolina Democratic Party presidential debate on January 21, 2008, Senator Hillary Clinton said that Obama had represented Rezko, who she referred to as a slum landlord. Obama responded that he had never represented Rezko and had done only about five hours work, indirectly, for Rezko’s firm.

(Originally published October 20th, 2008)

Obama Broken Promises

By MacPundit

He may have set a new record!

Broken PromisesIn Texas there is a saying that goes like this: “He’s all hat and no cattle.” Texans use it to describe someone who may look good, sound good, and impress people who don’t know any better, but the person is not exactly who he wants you to think he is. President Obama is “All hat and no cattle.” He impresses people who don’t know any better. So here’s a wake up call for those people. The next time you hear him tell you that he is going to do this or that wonderful thing, think again because his record of keeping his promises is as bad as it gets in politics—and that is really bad.

Take a look at this list of 83 Obama broken promises from PolitiFact. They are all well documented. After more than 4 years, Barack Obama has kept less than half of his promises.

The following are rated as “Broken Promises” by PolitiFact.com as of April 17, 2013. You can see full explanations at PolitiFact.com.

  10. BROKEN
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  83. BROKEN

Whew! That’s a lot of broken promises! It just might be a record. I don’t know, it’s probably a close race between Obama and Jimmy Carter. No matter, it’s depressing. Just don’t let President Obama tell you that it’s all the Republican’s fault because they block everything he tries to do. The Democrats controlled both houses of Congress for the first two years of his presidency. They could have done virtually anything he wanted them to do. No excuses, Mr. President, you’re a big “promiser” but you’re a lousy deliverer.

So how does he get away with it? First, because his followers want to believe him so much that they don’t bother to check up on him to see if he keeps his promises. Second, because the so-called mainstream media don’t tell you the truth. Here’s another thing to remember: Barack Obama depends on your ignorance. Don’t think so? Then why does he continue to make empty promises? Even worse, there is hardly a day that goes by that he doesn’t say things that are outright lies. I know, you may think I dislike him or his policies or that I am some kind of a right wing nut. Well, you would be wrong—except for not liking his policies. But even if you were right, it would not change the facts. He does have a horrible record of broken promises and he does lie—a lot. Many of his lies are well documented elsewhere on this site and many are videos so you can hear him lie in his own words.

Listen, I am not happy about reporting such negative things about my president. But if we really want an honest government we need to accept the truth about our leaders, especially our president. So like it or not, I call them like I see them. And just for the record, how many broken promises does it take before you stop believing someone? Two? Four? How about 83? Would that do it?

The Bush Failed Economic Policies

Let’s review them

Barack Obama and the Democrats repeatedly use the phrase “The Bush failed economic policies.” Yet the facts reveal their dishonesty. Here is a brief review.

President Bush’s Economic Policies Resulted In Creation Of 8.31 Million Jobs Beginning August 2003 In The Longest Continuous Months Of Job Growth On Record

November 2, 2007, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released new jobs figures. From August 2003, 8.31 million jobs were created, with 1.68 million jobs created over the 12 months that ended in October. The economy added jobs for 50 straight months – the longest period of uninterrupted job growth on record. The unemployment rate remained at a low 4.7 percent.

The U.S. Economy Remained Strong, Flexible, And Dynamic

  • Real GDP grew at a strong 3.9 percent in the third quarter of 2007. The economy experienced six years of uninterrupted growth, averaging 2.8 percent a year from 2001.
  • Real after-tax per capita personal income rose by 12.7 percent – an average of over $3,800 per person – from when President Bush took office.
  • Real wages rose 1.2 percent over the 12 months that ended in September. This rise was faster than the average rate during the 1990s.
  • From the first quarter of 2001, productivity growth averaged 2.6 percent per year. This growth is well above average productivity growth in the 1990s, 1980s, and 1970s.
  • The deficit was at 1.2 percent of GDP, well below the 40-year average. Economic growth contributed to a 6.7 percent rise in tax receipts in FY 2007, following an increase of 11.8 percent in FY 2006.

So Obama and the Democrats continue to lie about the Bush economic policies. It is just one more important story that the Obama Media do not want you to hear.