Obama Lied About Romney And Bain Capital

The serial lying continues

Obama Lie: Romney destroyed companies

The Truth: Romney’s record at Bain is one of remarkable success. (Ask Bill Clinton, he’ll vouch for it.)

Obama WinkingDespite investments in many companies that were failing, eighty percent of the companies Bain Capital invested in grew revenues. This meant they were able to hire more workers and that our economy grew as a result. It was common for Bain to hold companies for many years while investing a large amount of human and financial capital in order to improve operations and revive struggling companies.

Obama attacks what has made us great

Obama attacks on Romney and Bain are attacks on the private sector of our economy—the only sector able to create jobs and wealth for our citizens. Government does not create wealth. In fact, it is solely dependent on the private sector for its income. Without a healthy, wealth-producing private sector, the government would have no income at all. Our private sector—our free enterprise system—is what has made our nation the most successful in human history. So when President Obama attacks a company like Bain Capital, he attacks the very thing that has fed, clothed, housed, and cared for generations of Americans, plus millions of people in other countries for decades.

Obama Lie: Bain Capital only profited rich businessmen.

The Truth: Bain investors include pension funds, charities, and universities.

Over half the money invested in private equity firms like Bain Capital comes from pension funds, charitable foundations, and universities. Successful investments made by these entities provides secure retirements for seniors, money for charities so they can better serve their communities, and money for resources universities need to educate our youth.

Obama attacks on Bain can actually hurt taxpayers!

State and local governments actually depend on returns from private equity investments to fund employee retirements without having to cut into their operating budgets. For example, if an investment in a Bain project doesn’t perform well, state and local governments must offset that by using tax dollars that could have been spent on local programs. So once again, when Obama attacks Bain, he is attacking an investment strategy that actually helps to reduce the burden on American taxpayers.

So when Bain and other private equity firms succeed, retirees, charities, local communities, and universities benefit the most. (That’s a good thing, Mr. President.)

Obama Lie: Bain intentionally bankrupted a successful steel mill

The Truth: Obama intentionally mischaracterized the real story

Even though it was already scheduled to close, Mitt Romney and Bain Capital bought the GS Technologies steel plant and tried to help turn it around. Bain’s investment plus $170 million in upgrades managed to keep the plant competitive in a bad international market and saved the steel workers’ jobs for eight years.

Despite a valiant effort by Bain to save the company, two years after Romney left Bain, the plant was closed due to foreign steel dumping into the U.S. market. Of course Obama conveniently failed to mention that thirty-one other steel companies declared bankruptcy during the same period. Yet without Bain’s intervention, the steel workers at GS Technologies would have lost their jobs eight years earlier.

President Obama perpetuates the problem

After three and a half years in office, President Obama has still not taken the steps necessary to protect American manufacturing from unfairly-subsidized Chinese imports. If elected, President Romney will on day one designate China a currency manipulator and do what is necessary to make American manufacturing competitive again.

Obama Lie: Romney is a “corporate raider.”

The Truth: Even Obama’s supporters say this is not true!

  • Steve Rattner, President Obama’s former car czar: Governor Romney was the “furthest thing” from a corporate raider.
  • Governor Deval Patrick: Bain was a “perfectly fine company” with “a role in the private economy.”
  • Former President Bill Clinton: “… [Romney] had a sterling business career…” and “I don’t think that we ought to get into the position where we say this is bad work. This is good work.”

Far from tearing down companies, Romney has a successful history of building up companies like Staples, Sports Authority, Steel Dynamics, and Bright Horizons, among others. Yet Obama continues to revert to dirty Chicago-style slash-and-burn politics in order to dishonestly destroy the character of Mitt Romney in an effort to persuade his uninformed followers to vote for him. In the process, he disgraces and diminishes the Office of the Presidency.

Obama Lie: Romney is responsible for sending millions of jobs overseas.

The Truth: Obama’s accusations involved events that happened well after Romney left Bain Capital.

Bain Capital invested in over 100 companies. Of those, President Obama’s campaign has accused three of shipping jobs overseas. In two of these cases, the accusations are related to events that occurred in 2000 and 2001, well after Governor Romney left Bain Capital in February 1999 to lead the Winter Olympics. In the third case, the share of domestic production actually increased, not decreased, during the time the Obama campaign points to. This attack is merely an attempt to distract voters from President Obama’s failed economic record and his refusal to stand up to China’s unfair trade practices.

Obama Lie: Romney closed stores and laid off employees at Stage Stores.

The Truth: Under Bain Capital’s ownership, Stage Stores doubled the number of employees and doubled the number of stores.

During this time, Stage Stores added locations in Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Iowa. Bain Capital sold its controlling interest in the company in 1997. Years later, Stage Stores filed for bankruptcy, but today it is a healthy business with 14,000 employees and hundreds of new stores nationwide.

Dirty Chicago politics and Saul Alinsky

So it is clear that Obama lied about Romney and Bain Capital. But don’t simply chalk this off and  expect President Obama to have a conversion and stop lying. It is what he does—who he is. He has been doing it for many years. Ask his opponents in Illinois. Ask Bill and Hillary Clinton. Well, you might have to look for videos from the 2008 Democrat primary race to hear them renounce Obama. They are loyal Democrats after all and would probably avoid the truth if you asked them now. But they were both quite upset with Obama back then. Barack Obama practices Chicago-style and Saul Alinsky politics. He used to teach Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals and he follows those rules every day.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Barack Obama is the most radical and the most dishonest president in U.S. History.

59 Facts Obama Does Not Want You To Know

Obama’s Ship Of State Is Sinking

There are many more facts Obama does not want you to know than the 59 listed in this article. But perhaps the biggest fact is that while President Obama’s “Ship Of State” is sinking, he is furiously bailing water from the ocean into the ship. All things considered, this is an appropriate metaphor.

Obama Bailing Water Into A Sinking BoatIt’s not my fault

It would be a formidable task to document the number of times President Obama has blamed President George W. Bush for our poor economy. (See: Obama Blames Bush For Our Financial Crisis) To be clear, President Bush inherited a recession from President Clinton—not to mention at least a $1 trillion hit on our economy from the 9/11 attacks, Katrina, and more. Yet, unlike Obama, Bush took full responsibility and refused to blame Clinton for the “Bush Economy.”

President Reagan inherited an economy from President Carter that was, arguably, as bad as the economy Obama inherited, yet Reagan turned it into the longest peace-time continuous period of economic growth in U.S. history.

We, ultimately, hold each president responsible for the state of our economy and we should make no exception for President Obama. Our current economy is the Obama Economy—no excuses, no more blame-game. So man-up, Mr. President! Stop trying to weasel out of your responsibilities. While you tell us things like, “The private sector is doing fine.” – the truth is that it is not doing anything close to “fine.” To the contrary, our economy is on the verge of collapse! So either you are the most economically ignorant president ever or you are lying to us.

The following facts are limited to the economy, which is the major issue in this presidential campaign. Keep this in mind: Under President Obama,  more Americans are now living in poverty and are receiving food stamps than at any time in our entire history. Also, the income of the average American household is now $4,000 less than when Obama took office.

59 well-documented facts Obama does not want you to know.

  1. $3.81 – When Barack Obama entered the White House, the average price of a gallon of gasoline was $1.84.  Today (8/27/2012), it is $3.81. (It has more than doubled.)
  2. 22% – It is hard to believe, but today the poverty rate for children living in the United States is a whopping 22 percent.
  3. 23 Shutdowns/day – According to U.S. Representative Betty Sutton, an average of 23 manufacturing facilities permanently shut down in the United States every single day during 2010.
  4. 30% plus – Back in 2007, about 10 percent of all unemployed Americans had been out of work for 52 weeks or longer.  Today, that number is above 30 percent.
  5. 32% – The amount of money that the federal government gives directly to Americans has increased by 32 percent since Barack Obama entered the White House.
  6. 35% – U.S. housing prices are now down a total of 35 percent from the peak of the housing bubble.
  7. 40 Months – The official U.S. unemployment rate has been above 8 percent for 40 months in a row.
  8. 42% – According to one survey, 42 percent of all American workers are currently living paycheck to paycheck.
  9. 48% – Shockingly, at this point 48 percent of all Americans are either considered to be “low income” or are living in poverty.
  10. 49.1% – Today, an astounding 49.1 percent of all Americans live in a home where at least one person receives benefits from the government.
  11. 53% – Last year, an astounding 53 percent of all U.S. college graduates under the age of 25 were either unemployed or underemployed.
  12. 60% – According to a recent Gallup poll, only 60 percent of all Americans say that they have enough money to live comfortably.
  13. 61% – At this point the Federal Reserve is essentially monetizing much of the U.S. national debt.  For example, the Federal Reserve bought up approximately 61 percent of all government debt issued by the U.S. Treasury Department during 2011.
  14. 63% – One recent survey found that 63 percent of all Americans believe that the U.S. economic model is broken.
  15. 71% – Today, 71 percent of all small business owners believe that the U.S. economy is still in a recession.
  16. 80% – Americans buy 80 percent of the pain pills sold on the entire globe each year.
  17. 81% – Credit card debt among Americans in the 25 to 34 year old age bracket has risen by 81 percent since 1989.
  18. 85% – 85 percent of all artificial Christmas trees are made in China.
  19. 86% – According to one survey, 86 percent of Americans workers in their sixties say that they will continue working past their 65th birthday.
  20. 107 days – Each year, the average American must work 107 days just to make enough money to pay local, state and federal taxes.
  21. $500 – In some areas of Detroit, Michigan you can buy a three bedroom home for just $500.
  22. 627 – In 2010, China produced 627 million metric tons of steel.  The United States only produced 80 million metric tons of steel.
  23. 877 – 20,000 workers recently applied for just 877 jobs at a Hyundai plant in Montgomery, Alabama.
  24. 900% – Auto parts exports from China to the United States have increased by more than 900 percent since the year 2000.
  25. $1580 – When Barack Obama first took office, an ounce of gold was going for about $850.  Today an ounce of gold costs more than $1580 an ounce.
  26. 1700% – Consumer debt in America has risen by a whopping 1700% since 1971.
  27. 2016 – It is being projected that the Chinese economy will be larger than the U.S. economy by the year 2016.
  28. $4155 – The average American household spent a staggering $4,155 on gasoline during 2011 and will spend dramatically more in 2012.
  29. $4300 – The amount by which real median household income has declined since Barack Obama entered the White House.
  30. $6000 – If you can believe it, the median price of a home in Detroit is now just $6000.
  31. $10,000 – According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, 46 percent of all American workers have less than $10,000 saved for retirement, and 29 percent of all American workers have less than $1,000 saved for retirement.
  32. 49,000 – In 2011, our trade deficit with China was more than 49,000 times larger than it was back in 1985.
  33. $85,000 – According to the New York Times, a Jeep Grand Cherokee that costs $27,490 in the United States costs about $85,000 in China thanks to all the tariffs.
  34. $175,587 – The Obama administration spent $175,587 to find out if cocaine causes Japanese quail to engage in sexually risky behavior.
  35. $328,404 – Over the next 75 years, Medicare is facing unfunded liabilities of more than 38 trillion dollars.  That comes to $328,404 for each and every household in the United States.
  36. 440,00 – If the federal government began right at this moment to repay the U.S. national debt at a rate of one dollar per second, it would take over 440,000 years to totally pay it off.
  37. 500,000 – According to the Economic Policy Institute, America is losing half a million jobs to China every single year.
  38. 2,000,000Family farms are being systematically wiped out of existence in the United States.  According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the number of farms in the United States has fallen from about 6.8 million in 1935 to only about 2 million today.
  39. $2,000,000 – At this point, the U.S. national debt is rising by more than 2 million dollars every single minute.
  40. 2,600,000 – In 2010, 2.6 million more Americans fell into poverty.  That was the largest increase that we have seen since the U.S. government began keeping statistics on this back in 1959.
  41. 5,400,000 – When Barack Obama first took office there were 2.7 million long-term unemployed Americans.  Today there are twice as many.
  42. 16,000,000 – It is being projected that Obamacare will add 16 million more Americans to the Medicaid rolls.
  43. $20,000,000 – The amount of money the U.S. government was spending to create a version of Sesame Street for children in Pakistan.
  44. 25,000,000 – Today, approximately 25 million American adults are living with their parents.
  45. 40,000,000 – According to Professor Alan Blinder of Princeton University, 40 million more U.S. jobs could be sent offshore over the next two decades if current trends continue.
  46. 46,405,204 – The number of Americans currently on food stamps.  When Barack Obama first entered the White House there were only 32 million Americans on food stamps.
  47. 88,000,000 – Today there are more than 88 million working age Americans that are not employed and that are not looking for employment.  That is an all-time record high.
  48. 100,000,000 – Overall, there are more than 100 million working age Americans that do not currently have jobs.
  49. $150,000,000 – This is approximately the amount of money that the Obama administration and the U.S. Congress are stealing from future generations of Americans every single hour.
  50. 295,500,000,000 – Our trade deficit with China in 2011 was $295.5 billion.  That was the largest trade deficit that one country has had with another country in the history of the planet.
  51. $359,100,000,000 – During the first quarter of 2012, U.S. public debt rose by 359.1 billion dollars.  U.S. GDP only rose by 142.4 billion dollars.
  52. $454,000,000,000 – During fiscal 2011, the U.S. government spent over 454 billion dollars just on interest on the national debt.
  53. $1,000,000,000,000 – The total amount of student loan debt in the United States recently surpassed the one trillion dollar mark.
  54. $1,170,000,000,000 – China now holds approximately 1.17 trillion dollars of U.S. government debt.  Yet the U.S. government continues to send them millions of dollars in foreign aid every year.
  55. $5,000,000,000,000 – The U.S. national debt has risen by more than 5 trillion dollars since the day that Barack Obama first took office.  In a little more than 3 years Obama has added more to the national debt than the first 41 presidents combined.
  56. $5,000,000,000,000 – What the real U.S. budget deficit in 2011 would have been if the federal government had used generally accepted accounting principles.
  57. $11,440,000,000,000 – The total amount of consumer debt in the United States.
  58. $15,734,596,578,458.59 – The U.S. national debt as of June 7, 2012.
  59. $200,000,000,000,000 – Today, the 9 largest banks in the United States have a total of more than 200 trillion dollars of exposure to derivatives.  When the derivatives market completely collapses there won’t be enough money in the entire world to fix it.

Be alarmed or be stupid

I can hear it already: “Those Right Wing nuts are spreading fear again.” Listen fellow Americans, this is not about Left or Right. Please clear your brains of all rigid, ideological Mind Stink. We booted Hoover, a Republican, when we thought his policies weren’t working to give Roosevelt a chance. We booted Carter, a Democrat, for the same reason to give Reagan a chance. By all fair and rational standards, Obama’s policies are not working and our economy is headed for a catastrophic collapse. It is irrational to not be alarmed. And yes, it could, rationally, be called stupid.

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Obama War On Women

The Romney Obama War On Women

Women are smart, Mr. President. Watch out!

Obama War On Women

92.3 percent of jobs lost under Obama were lost by women!

While Hypocrite-In-Chief Obama fabricates one false charge after another against Mitt Romney, he and the Obama Media hide the devastating consequences Obama’s policies have had on American women. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, between January 2009, when Obama took office, and March 2012, there has been a net decline of 740,000 jobs for both men and women. But (it’s a big BUT) among women there has been a net loss of 683,000 jobs. So 92.3 percent of the jobs lost under Obama were lost by women! Whoa, wait a minute, that can’t be. Obama loves women. He gives them all kinds of free stuff for goodness sake. I mean you don’t give free stuff to someone unless you love them. Right? Or unless you want them to vote for you. Hmm, yeah, there’s that.

The truth is, Obama’s economic flimflam has wreaked havoc on both men and women but it has taken a monumentally disproportionate hit on women. I repeat: 92.3 percent of the jobs lost under Obama have been lost by women! That means only 7.7 percent were lost by men. You can play with the numbers until your head bursts but it won’t change the facts. So did Obama sit down behind his big president desk one day and figure out how to hurt women more than men? I certainly hope not. No, it’s just that his policies happened to hurt women much more than men. But no matter what he had in mind, the net result is that women have suffered enormously under Obama and there is no relief in sight. It’s no wonder women can’t afford to pay for their own birth control pills!

“Romney’s War On Women”

Now, let’s take a look at “Romney’s War On Women.” Oh, we have a little problem: There is none. Come on all you Liberal hard heads, just for a few short minutes I want you to take a deep breath, imagine that Barack Obama is not the Messiah, and use some good old-fashion common sense. Why in the world would Mitt Romney declare a war on women? Come on now. You can do this. It is absurd! It is just as absurd as all the other bogus charges Democrats have made against Mitt Romney. (That he was responsible for a woman’s death for just one example.) Does Romney hold some positions that you don’t share? Of course he does. And Obama holds some positions that millions of other Americans don’t share. That is why we have elections. That is how we do things in America. But what we should not do is make up lies about whoever we disagree with in order to destroy their character for the sake of winning an election. You know, like Obama does.

Romney is Pro-Life. He also supports the de-funding of federal taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood, and government mandated free contraception for women. He doesn’t think it’s right that taxpayers who oppose abortion should have to pay for abortions. Nor does he think it is right that people who oppose the use of contraception should have to pay for others to use it. We should all take personal responsibility for our choices. That philosophy has made the United States the most successful country in human history and if we lose it, we will surely fail.

While you have every right to disagree with Romney’s beliefs, you do not have the right to impose your beliefs on others. Again, that is why we have elections. Furthermore, to disagree with a candidate’s position on an issue should not give anyone a license to mount unfair, dishonest, vicious attacks on that candidate.

Obama the baby killer?

What if Romney called Obama a baby killer for his position on late-term abortions? As an Illinois State Senator, Obama voted repeatedly to defeat a law that would have saved the lives of babies born alive during botched abortions. He did so in spite of at least one case in which a live baby was unceremoniously placed on a towel and allowed to die while distraught nurses in the delivery room were prevented by law from administering life-saving procedures. Of course my point is that even in that factually-based issue, Romney has refrained from exploiting it. Yet Obama never misses an opportunity to viciously attack Romney with wholly fabricated charges. It is despicable.

The Obama Administration Mistreats Women: Wage disparity and much more …

Now, let’s look at a few more examples of the Obama War On Women. Records show that female employees in the Obama White House make considerably less than their male colleagues. What? Where do I get this stuff? Glad I asked. According to the 2011 annual report on White House staff, female employees earned a median annual salary of $60,000, which was about 18 percent less than the median salary for male employees, which was $71,000. Oh me and my facts. Yeah, I know. But it gets worse. Even though Obama White House women earn considerably less than their male counterparts, the Obama campaign trashed Mitt Romney for his failure to immediately endorse the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act, which extended the time in which women could file lawsuits against employers that discriminate against women on equal pay. To be perfectly clear for all you Liberal diehards: Romney is for (NOT AGAINST) equal pay for women. But the real question is: Did any female employees at the White House file lawsuits under the Ledbetter Act, and if not, why not?

There’s more

Former Obama Economic Advisor, Christina Romer, “I felt like a piece of meat.” (working in the Obama White House”)

“Even when women are in the room with Obama, they are sometimes seen but not heard.” Time Magazine

“… Obama himself is responsible for a work atmosphere that marginalizes and ignores women.” Time Magazine

“The president has a real woman problem.” Reported in book by Nia-Malika Henderson, Women In Obama White House Felt Excluded And Ignored

Alright, if you insist, I’ll throw in one more: Former Obama White House Communications Director, Anita Dunn, described attitudes in the White House as fitting

“… all of the classic legal requirements for a genuinely hostile workplace to women.” – and “This place would be in court for a hostile workplace.”

So how is Obama doing with the female vote? He is not doing great with married women and women with children but he is winning with young single women. But let’s be clear: Women are smart and if the media starts to do their job and they tell the truth, even the young women will change their minds about Barack Obama. After all, he is hurting them right now and under his policies, their future’s don’t look bright at all. The majority of married women and mothers have already figured it out and it is just a matter of time before the young single women do the same—at least for their sake, I hope so.

Rosie The Riveter

It’s a hard pill to swallow

There, there. I know this has given you Liberals a migraine. It is because your brains are overloading trying to compute this horribly dissonant information. Not to worry. There is a cure. As foreign as it may sound to you, it is really quite simple: Just open your minds to new, honest information. One of our presidents rightfully cautioned that, “The nine scariest words are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.'” Thomas Jefferson said, “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.”

While President Obama tells you that he is your guardian angel, his treatment of women in his own administration is deplorable and his economic policies have wreaked havoc on women in particular. Those are incontrovertible facts. You are being conned! Barack Obama is not in love with women, he is in love with the female vote. Ignore the facts at your own peril.

Personal responsibility is at the heart of American greatness

Learn to respect the rights of other people with whom you disagree. Accept the idea that you cannot always get your way and that other American citizens should not have to pay for free stuff for which you, yourselves, as adults, should be responsible. They aren’t asking you to pay for their stuff so don’t ask them to pay for your stuff.

To Liberals: You have read the facts. Now it’s time to take action. Call the White House, your congressional representatives, and the Obama Media and demand that President Obama end his War On Women. No, I will not hold my breath, but thank you for asking.

Obama Lies About The Republican Congress

36 Bills Passed By The House And Stuck In The Democratically Controlled Senate

Obama Lies About RepublicansPresident Obama continues to lie about the Republican Congress. His repeated charge that the Republicans in the House of Representatives are a "do nothing Congress" is a blatant lie. Below is a documented list of 36 bills passed by the House that are stuck in the Senate because Harry Reid, the Democrat Majority Leader will not allow them to be brought to the floor for a vote.

The "do-nothings" are Obama's own party in the Senate

It gets even worse: Not only does President Obama lie to the American public about the Republican House, he fails to tell us that it is his own party that is holding up the work of the Republicans. While Obama lies about the Republican Congress, which has done its job—including passing a budget each year—the Senate has not passed a budget in almost four years even though the Constitution requires it to do so.

The below bills were passed by the House as a way to help create jobs in America at a time when unemployment has been above 8% for more than 30 consecutive months and 23 million Americans still don't have jobs.  Unfortunately these bills are stalled in the Democratically-controlled United States Senate.

Review of Federal Regulations
H.Res. 72 – Passed by the House (391-28) on February 11, 2011

Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act
H.R. 872 – Senate has taken no action to date

Energy Tax Prevention Act
H.R. 910 – Senate has taken no action to date

Disapproval of FCC's Net Neutrality Regulations
H.J.Res. 37 – Senate has blocked a companion measure by a vote of 46-52

Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act
H.R. 2018 – Senate has taken no action to date

Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act
H.R. 1315 – Senate has taken no action to date

Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act
H.R. 2587 – Senate has taken no action to date

Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on The Nation
H.R. 2401 – Senate has taken no action to date

Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act
H.R. 2681 – Senate has taken no action to date

EPA Regulatory Relief Act
H.R. 2250 – Senate has taken no action to date

Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act
H.R. 2273 – Senate has taken no action to date

Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act
H.R. 3094 – Senate has taken no action to date

Regulatory Accountability Act
H.R. 3010 – Senate has taken no action to date

Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act
H.R. 527 – Senate has taken no action to date

H.R. 10 – Senate has taken no action to date

Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act
H.R. 1633 – Senate has taken no action to date

Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act
H.R. 4 – Signed into law by the President on April 14, 2011

3% Withholding Rule Repeal
H.R. 674 – Signed into law by the President on November 21, 2011

Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act
H.R. 3630 – Senate has taken no action to date

U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act
H.R. 3078 – Signed by the Preisdent on October 21, 2011

U.S.-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act
H.R. 3079 – Signed by the Preisdent on October 21, 2011

U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
H.R. 3080 – Signed by the Preisdent on October 21, 2011

Southeast Arizona Resource Utilization & Conservation Act
H.R. 1904 – Senate has taken no action to date

The America Invents Act
H.R. 1249 – Signed into law by the President on September 16, 2011

Veterans Opportunity to Work Act
H.R. 2433 – Signed into law by the President on November 21, 2011

Small Company Capital Formation Act
H.R. 1070 – Senate has taken no action to date

Small Banks' Access to Capital Act
H.R. 1965 – Senate has taken no action to date

Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act
H.R. 2930 – Senate has taken no action to date

Access to Capital for Job Creators Act
H.R. 2940 – Senate has taken no action to date

Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act
H.R. 3012 – Senate has taken no action to date

Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act
H.R. 1230 – Senate has taken no action to date

Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act
H.R. 1229 – Senate has taken no action to date

Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act
H.R. 1231 – Senate has taken no action to date

Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011
H.R. 2021 – Senate has taken no action to date

North American-Made Energy Security Act
H.R. 1938 – Senate has taken no action to date

Budget for Fiscal Year 2012
H.Con.Res. 34 – Senate has not yet considered a budget of its own