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Dec 042013
King Barack

The incompetence of our neo-monarchy

By Mark Steyn – a MacPundit favorite author.

It is a condition of my admission to this great land that I am not allowed to foment the overthrow of the United States government. Oh, I signed it airily enough, but you’d be surprised, as the years go by, how often the urge to foment starts to rise in one’s gullet. Fortunately, at least as far as constitutional government goes, the president of the United States is doing a grand job of overthrowing it all by himself.

On Thursday, he passed a new law at a press conference. George III never did that. But, having ordered America’s insurance companies to comply with Obamacare, the president announced that he is now ordering them not to comply with Obamacare. The legislative branch (as it’s still quaintly known) passed a law purporting to grandfather your existing health plan. The regulatory bureaucracy then interpreted the law so as to un-grandfather your health plan. So His Most Excellent Majesty has commanded that your health plan be de-un-grandfathered. That seems likely to work. The insurance industry had three years to prepare for the introduction of Obamacare. Now the King has given them six weeks to de-introduce Obamacare.

“I wonder if he has the legal authority to do this,” mused former Vermont governor Howard Dean. But he’s obviously some kind of right-wing wacko. Later that day, anxious to help him out, Congress offered to “pass” a “law” allowing people to keep their health plans. The same president who had unilaterally commanded that people be allowed to keep their health plans indignantly threatened to veto any such law to that effect: It only counts if he does it — geddit? As his court eunuchs at the Associated Press obligingly put it: “Obama Will Allow Old Plans.” It’s Barry’s world; we just live in it. Continue reading »

Nov 222013

By MacPundit

Transforming America Obama Style

President Obama promised to transform America.“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” President Elect Barack Obama.

The Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, is designed to give our government control over one-sixth of our entire economy. It is the largest, most aggressive grasp for power in U.S. history. It is precisely the kind of big government-vested power that our founders feared most. It is because of this fear that they created a constitutional republic in which the power is vested in the people.

Vladimir Lenin, the father of Russian Communism, said:

“Socialized Medicine is the keystone to the arch of the Socialist State”

While Barack Obama’s ultimate goal is still not entirely clear, that he is a hardcore proponent of radical Liberal big government is perfectly clear. There should be no doubt that he advocates for a significant shift of power from the people to the government and that he has already made remarkable progress toward that goal.

Other big-government initiatives not withstanding, Obamacare alone is a huge step in that direction—both in its function to redistribute private sector wealth and its overbearing intrusion into our private lives. Obamacare restricts our freedom to make our own life choices and it punishes personal success through government-imposed redistribution of wealth. It is wholly un-American and if left in place it will destroy our great American economy, which has been the envy of the world for countless decades and which has fed, housed, clothed, and generally raised the quality of life for more people—here and abroad—than any other economy in world history.

A great and grotesque irony is that while Europe struggles to untangle itself from the failures of Socialism and other liberal big-government economies, President Obama and his cadre of Liberal Democrats in Congress, are relentlessly determined to transform the U.S. into the very same model of a European-style nanny state that has never been able to approach the success of our traditional U.S. model. Continue reading »

Nov 132013

Obamacare is a national disgrace!

By MacPunditObamacare — A national disgrace!

The announced and highly publicized purpose of the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, was to achieve universal health coverage for all Americans. It’s passage into law has been loudly praised and promoted by the Democrats as President Obama’s crowning accomplishment. That is until October 1, 2013 when the much-anticipated website launched on schedule and then immediately and ignominiously, sank into the “Great Sea of Incompetency.” Six weeks later it remains submerged as millions of additional tax-payer dollars are spent to find and plug-up its leaky code.

The Obamacare website debacle

The president told us that the Obamacare website would make signing up for a healthcare plan as easy as ordering a screwdriver from Amazon, but it did not quite work out that way. Instead, it has been either completely down (offline) or effectively dysfunctional ever since its launch. Continue reading »

Nov 112013

President Obama said, “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it. Period.”

By MacPundit

He said it at least forty times with various rhetorical iterations:If you like your healthcare plan you can keep it.

“If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it. Period.”

“If you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan. Guaranteed. Period.”

“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period. End of story.”

“If you like your hospital, you can keep your hospital. Period.”

Notice that he even added the word “guaranteed” occasionally, as if he was worried that we would not believe him when he simply said “period.” In fact, sometimes he actually used “period,” “guaranteed,” and “end of story” all in the same sentence. When people began to lose their healthcare plans—the ones they liked—he was asked why that was happening because he had promised they would not lose their plans. He said he should have been more clear. More clear? What could be more clear than, “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it. Period.”

Millions of healthcare plans already canceled and still counting … Continue reading »