US Civil Rights Quiz — Part 1

What do you really know about the history of US Civil Rights?
Welcome to Part 1 of a series of quizzes designed to test and teach the true history of US Civil Rights. New quizzes will be added over time.


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Obama Was a No-show in Paris

President Obama was a no-show in Paris and he disgraced us all.

Incredibly, President Obama was a no-show in Paris during an historical show of world unity. The streets of Paris were filled with what some said was the largest assembly of people in Paris since its liberation from Nazi Germany in 1944. Others suggested it was the largest mass of humanity in that city’s history. Over forty world leaders joined more than two million protesters to express their defiance against the continuing barbaric actions of Islamic terrorists.

There they were—Germany’s Prime Minister, the President of France, the brave Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the King and Queen of Jordan, England’s Prime Minister, the President of Mali, the Palestinian President, and over thirty more world leaders marching arm in arm proclaiming “Enough is enough! Evil shall not triumph!”

It was truly remarkable—a unique moment in the history of mankind. Yet it was even more remarkable because the leader of the most powerful nation in the world—the de facto leader of the free world—was a no-show. Yes, it’s true, our president, Barack Obama was not there. Millions of Americans felt ashamed by his absence.

The so-called mainstream media, some of the same people who for six years had been Mr. Obama’s apologists, expressed their distaste and sense of deep disappointment for his decision to avoid the Paris event. A CNN headline read: “Where was Obama?” The cover of the New York Daily News declared: “You let the world down.” On camera, Jake Tapper opined: “I say this as an American — not as a journalist, not as a representative of CNN — but as an American: I was ashamed.”

Colonel Allen West’s words were representative of the condemnation from the right.

“As I watched the world leaders gathered in Paris yesterday there was a glaring absence. President Obama used Air Force One to fly to Knoxville to announce free Community College education. I guess that policy far outweighs an act of global unity against Islamo-fascism, jihadism, and terrorism. Needless to say this evidences the priorities of B. Hussein Obama. If Obama was too busy, then perhaps the Vice President or Secretary of State could have attended the event, heck Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas made the trip.

The White House insisted that the President’s decision to not attend the rally was based on security issues, yet Ed Henry of Fox News reported that a high official at the Secret Service told him that the Obama Administration had never called them about the matter. Security? Who on this planet is a bigger target than Benjamin Netanyahu? Yet he was there, Mr. President.

As to other more plausible reasons, we can only speculate. Among the most obvious is Barack Obama’s close association with Islam in his youth and his apparent determination to not offend the practitioners of that religion. To this day, he and his administration refuse to identify Islamic terrorism as Islamic terrorism. While virtually all other free nations of the world call it what it is and the Islamic terrorists themselves tell us who and what they are, our president will not utter the words “Islamic terrorists.”

President Obama said, "I want the people of France to know that the United States stands with you today, stands with you tomorrow." Really? Would it not have been more accurate to say that while the people of the United States stand with you, I stand behind you … way behind you?

Jonathan Gruber

Jonathan Gruber says they had to lie to the stupid Jonathan GruberAmerican voters.

Jonathan Holmes Gruber is a professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is also the director of the Health Care Program at the National Bureau of Economic Research. Despite what some Democrats would now like you to believe, he was a key architect of the Affordable Care Act, also known as "Obamacare." But who he was and who he is now are two entirely different things. Now, because of his unprecedented revelations, he is persona non grata to the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party.

So what has he done to create such a furor? In video 1 we can watch Professor Gruber himself for that answer. Then be sure to watch what Charles Krauthammer had to say about it in video 2.

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This is just one of many revealing Jonathan Gruber videos and, frankly, I can't think of any good reason to show anymore of them. Personally, I can hardly stomach this one. It's not that anything he said is new news; millions of Americans already know that the process to get Obamacare passed was perhaps the most corrupt of any major legislation in U.S. History. And let's not forget that President Obama's absolute promise that "If you like your healthcare plan you can keep it." – was a blatant lie, which he repeated almost 40 times!

But what is new is that Professor Gruber said it at all—and then repeated it multiple times while being videotaped. You know, I am tempted to say that he made an unforgivable political mistake by inadvertently telling the truth, but I think that is incorrect. I think he thinks he is the smartest head in the game and he simply loves to tell the world how he fleeced everyone for their own good. But then deception and arrogance are common traits among our current gang of Washington Liberals. And it all trickles down from the top—Mr. Hubris himself, Barack Obama.

President Obama, members of his administration, and his political operatives are a pack of shameful liars. That is not a matter of opinion, it is indeed a fact. It is well documented on this website and elsewhere. Jonathan Gruber’s recently exposed revelations are simply one more confirmation of that fact. As Jonathan Gruber so brutally made clear, they had to lie to us about the true nature of Obamacare in order to get it passed because we the people are too stupid to understand what’s good for us. As though that weren’t enough, in one of his videos Professor Gruber also said that Americans are too dumb to understand economics. To that, I refer you to this article: Liberal Ignorance—Economics. Believe me, it’s worth a read.

Listen, dear people, Obama and his legion of leftwing misfits have failed. Please pardon my all too obvious cliché, but the fat lady has sung and they have not yet heard her. Indeed, they may never hear her because they seem to have three mouths, no ears, and pre-programmed brains.

A few weeks ago, on November 4, we the people—the very same people that the professor called stupid—made some very big political changes. We told liberal Democrats to get out of our capitols and go home—and we would have sent the president home too if we could have. We told our president, the majority leader of the Senate, state governors, and state legislatures all across the nation that we don’t like their kind of big government. Who’s stupid now?


American Decline

American Decline: Is it real?Miss Liberty is ashamed.

By MacPundit

Growing up, most of us were cautioned to not discuss religion or politics while in polite company. This was and is good advice—generally speaking. But some general rules when applied too strictly can be disadvantageous, even to an entire society. For example, if our founders had not been aggressively vocal with their political opinions, it is almost certain that the United States of America would not exist.

Yet they angered a lot of people back then. Not everyone agreed with them and would rather they had kept their big mouths shut.

Ben Franklin’s own son was loyal to the King so he opposed revolution. The split with his father was never resolved and to his last breath, Franklin’s estrangement from his son hurt him deeply. Franklin paid a terribly high price for his beliefs.

By speaking out, our founders were deemed traitors by the British Crown. They became hunted men—wanted dead or alive. To be clear, they not only spoke out, they fomented discontent among their fellow colonists, which led to a full-blown revolution. They formed an army and took up arms against the government of which they were citizens. They waged full-out war and ultimately created an entirely new nation. In so doing, they had a profound effect on the future of mankind by taking power from a monarch and giving it to the people. How impolite of them!

Some situations call for polite small talk but some situations call for robust debate. So how do we know when to be cautious with our words and when to speak out, even provocatively? When, as our founders did, should we risk condemnation by friends and family by telling what we believe to be important truths? Here are my personal rules:

  1. First be sure of your facts. By this I mean that your opinions should be informed by the most reliable information you can find. Above all, don’t base your opinions on hearsay or rhetoric from self-interested politicians or biased media, no matter what their ideology.
  2. Remain as rational as possible in your deliberations in order to arrive at intellectually honest conclusions. Passion is good once you are sure of your beliefs, but it can cloud your judgment while forming your beliefs.
  3. Finally, ask yourself if what you want to say is important enough to risk being condemned by people you respect or even the loss of friendships. Be convinced that your message can have a seriously positive effect on other’s lives before you speak out.

Most of us want to be liked. It’s a natural human trait. But living one’s life for the sole purpose of being liked is actually quite selfish. It’s all about you. True friends sometimes risk an angry response when they express an uncomfortable truth to someone they love. But they risk it anyway because they care that much.

Our nation is in trouble—serious trouble. American decline is real. It is my belief that our very existence as the greatest nation in human history is in great jeopardy. I have followed the rules I set out above and have arrived at this conclusion after much study and personal deliberation. I have made my case based on the best available information.

News traveled slowly in eighteenth century America. But now it can reach all parts of the globe in seconds. We can have real-time conversations with people on the other side of the planet. Yet in many ways we are less informed on things that matter than ever before. And common sense? – I rarely hear the phrase spoken any more. It is truly a shame that while we now have the ability to inform and educate great masses of people throughout the world, our technology is too often used to misinform them or to use it for shallow commercial projects. Our mainstream news media are corrupt, biased, agenda-driven propagandists and our colleges and universities brainwash our children with worn out, disproved left-wing political ideologies. The result is an ignorant electorate who are vulnerable to any skilled rhetorician that comes along—hence the Obama phenomenon.

Again, American decline is real. So what is to be done? How can we save our nation? Well it won’t be easy because far too many among us don’t even have a clue that anything is wrong. But some of us do know what is wrong and we know how serious it is. So we are the ones who must begin to change things. We must become the Paul Reveres of the 21st century. Just as our founders did hundreds of years ago, we need to speak out with conviction and determination. We must engage others in a new and robust American political conversation. We must alert the clueless among us to the peril we are in and urge them to become informed and engaged.

If we are to survive, if we are to reverse American decline, we must talk more about politics, not less. It’s simple: If we fail to do these things America will continue to decline. We will continue to become weaker until one day—a few generations from now—America will be at the mercy of more powerful nations and the world will be a far more dangerous place than it is today.

Paul Revere and others warned their fellow colonists that the British were coming. We must alert our fellow Americans that our enemies are already here, that they have already gained great power over us and that we are in imminent danger of losing the very things that made the United States of America the greatest, most admired nation in the history of mankind.

Who are these enemies of whom I speak? They are some of the very people we elected to lead and protect us. They are our politicians who for decades have whittled away at our freedoms and who have overtaxed us and recklessly spent our hard-earned money. Among so many other unconscionable acts, they have burdened us and countless future generations with a literally unimaginable massive debt of almost $18 trillion. And it continues to grow larger by the second! President Obama added more debt than all our other presidents combined!

But it is worse, far worse than our loss of freedoms and massive debt. We are not only weaker economically, we are weaker militarily and ineffective diplomatically. The Middle East has become a significantly greater threat to world peace than it was six years ago. ISIS has taken control of a third of Syria and a third of Iraq and has established a caliphate—a new Islamic state. Our friends no longer respect or trust us and our enemies no longer fear us. Russia under Vladimir Putin mocks our president and takes land from sovereign nations while we and the world do nothing. And there is much more, which will be discussed here in future articles. Yes, American decline is real.

It is time for all Americans to learn the truth about our great history; to learn why countless millions of people from all over the world have for over two hundred years come to our shores seeking freedom and opportunity—and why they still do. It is time for all Americans to become political just as the colonists were when they fought and died to create the nation we now take for granted. It is time to make politics popular and to realize that it is the most important topic of all—because it is. After all, when we the people don’t get the politics right, the politicians take our power away. It is human nature and it has always been that way.

Recent surveys reveal that for the first time in our history a majority of Americans believe that future generations will not have the same freedoms and opportunities that we inherited from our parents and grandparents. Think of that for a moment. Do we really want to be the first generation of Americans that gave our children less than we received? I refuse to believe that. I believe that we are as strong and as caring as those who came before us. I believe that if the people are told the truth and if they know the danger they will rise up by the millions and do whatever is necessary to take back the power and restore the greatness of our nation.