Nov 132014

American Decline: Is it real?Miss Liberty is ashamed.

By MacPundit

Growing up, most of us were cautioned to not discuss religion or politics while in polite company. This was and is good advice—generally speaking. But some general rules when applied too strictly can be disadvantageous, even to an entire society. For example, if our founders had not been aggressively vocal with their political opinions, it is almost certain that the United States of America would not exist.

Yet they angered a lot of people back then. Not everyone agreed with them and would rather they had kept their big mouths shut.

Ben Franklin’s own son was loyal to the King so he opposed revolution. The split with his father was never resolved and to his last breath, Franklin’s estrangement from his son hurt him deeply. Franklin paid a terribly high price for his beliefs.

By speaking out, our founders were deemed traitors by the British Crown. They became hunted men—wanted dead or alive. To be clear, they not only spoke out, they fomented discontent among their fellow colonists, which led to a full-blown revolution. They formed an army and took up arms against the government of which they were citizens. They waged full-out war and ultimately created an entirely new nation. In so doing, they had a profound effect on the future of mankind by taking power from a monarch and giving it to the people. How impolite of them!

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Be Informed

Barack Obama

Barack Obama – 44th President of the United States

Knowledge Equals Power

Informed voters are the most valuable voters. Our founders agreed. Jefferson, Adams, Franklin and many others often warned that ignorant citizens are a threat to the entire nation. So I encourage you to spend some time here to learn about Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America.

The higher purpose of this website is a plea to all Americans to seek the truth about our leaders. To accept a politician’s words simply because they are delivered well is always a very bad idea. Convincing speeches from any politician should never dissuade a single American from learning everything they can about him or her. Knowledge among the people gives power to the people. The more we know, the more powerful we are.

Beware of “silver tongues”

The history of mankind is full of political leaders with “silver tongues.” But sometimes words, however well spoken, signify nothing more or less than “just words.” To think otherwise is not only foolish, the consequences can be catastrophic.

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Get involved; share your opinions and comments with us. Tell us what you think. Of course, please do it respectfully.

NOTE: This website was originally published in 2008 to make public the background and pertinent facts regarding the life of Barack Hussein Obama. Mr. Obama has been re-elected for a second term and has almost completed his fifth year in office. This means we can now assess the consequences of having elected him. Elections do have consequences. The election of a President of the United States of America—the most powerful nation in the world—has awesome consequences.

There is no hype here—just facts, analysis, and informed opinion. Great effort has been made to document content that is presented as fact. If you find anything that you think is factually incorrect, please don’t hesitate to say so in the Comment section at the end of each post. Your comments will be duly considered. Just keep in mind that opinion and analysis are just that and should not be confused with fact.